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What Public Perception are the Pro-Choicers Deliberately Promoting?

"[Pro-lifers] are, with few exceptions, vicious, irrational, absolutely ruthless, unscrupulous, pitiless, and driven by hatred. They are willing to accept any level of violence, not to mention social disruption and imposition of emotional pain to reach their goals. "This is no longer about free speech. It is no longer tolerable to have any form of political protest in front of my clinic or any other abortion facility in the United States. "A face-to-face conspiracy to commit political crimes is no longer necessary. [The Federal government] should not allow the exploitation of First Amendment rights for authoritarian and terrorist purposes." 2

What Public Perception are the Pro-Choicers Deliberately Promoting? "Every anti-abortion demonstrator must now be considered armed, dangerous and a potential assassin until proven otherwise. The anti-abortion movement must be considered the source and spawning ground of a violent, terrorist movement which threatens the social fabric and civil society of laws of the United States." Third-trimester abortionist Warren Hern.

Lets Look at the NAFs Statistics

For more than 30 years anti-abortion extremists have attempted to use violence against abortion providers to advance their own personal and political agendas. They have injured and murdered health care workers across the country and intimidated and harassed patients who need reproductive health care.

Lets Look at the NAFs Statistics

The National Abortion Federation lists an amazing 170,007 incidents of violence and disruption committed by prolifers at abortion clinics during the time period 1977 to 2009, inclusive!

Now Lets take a closer look at their numbers!

148,303 (87.2%) of the NAF's incidents of "violence and disruption" were picketing.

14,638 (8.6%) of the NAF's listed incidents were "hate mail & harassing phone calls" or "e-mail/Internet harassment."

Believe it or not, they think that This is hatred!


Summary: The NAFs Idea of Violence

Picketing Harassing mail/calls Trespassing Vandalism Stink bomb attacks Non-violent 148,303 (87.2%) 14,638 (8.6%) 2,448 (1.4%) 1,429 (0.8%) 100 (0.1%) 166,918 (98.2%)


what about the other 1.8 percent?


Summary of Deadly Pro-Life Violence

March 10, 1993: Michael Griffin murders abortionist David Gunn. May 26, 1994: President Clinton signs FACE into law. July 29, 1994: Paul J. Hill murders abortionist John Bayard Britton and his armed "escort," James H. Barrett. December 30, 1994: John Salvi murders abortion clinic receptionists Lee Ann Nichols and Shannon Lowney, and injures five other people at two Brookline, Massachusetts abortion mills. 10

Summary of Deadly Pro-Life Violence

January 1998: Eric Rudolph bombs a Birmingham abortion clinic, killing an off-duty police officer and maiming a nurse. October 23, 1998: James Kopp murders abortionist Barnett Slepian. 2000-2008: There were no "pro life" murders during the eight years that George W. Bush was President. All of the murders committed by "prolifers" occurred while "pro-choice" presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama held office. May 31, 2009: Scott Roeder murders thirdtrimester abortionist George Tiller.

Total Deadly Pro-Life Violence

Murders: 8 Attempted Murders: 10


216 Pro-Life Arsons

The NAF mentions 216 arsons and bombings of abortion mills, only 77 of which have been solved, showing that many are inside jobs. Some were deliberately set up to cause no damage, such as a paper bag with wadded-up toilet paper in it being set on fire on the concrete steps of an abortion mill. During the period 1995 to 1999, there were 61 actual and attempted arsons at abortion mills. During the same time period, there were 827 actual and attempted arsons and bombings of churches and synagogues, according to the BATFE.

1,769 Pro-Life Assaults, Threats and Stalking

184 cases of assault and battery and 1,059 death and bomb threats (the NAF admits on its chart that these are not "classified as such by the appropriate law enforcement agency"). 526 cases of stalking. The definition the NAF gives for "stalking" is the "persistent following, threatening and harassing of an abortion provider, staff member, or patient away from the clinic." Of course, this definition is very vague, and there have been only six pro-lifers actually convicted of this offense.

661 Pro-Life Anthrax Threats

530 of these were committed by a single person, Clayton Lee Waagner. Waagner also sent fake anthrax letters to pro-life crisis pregnancy centers, and these numbers are included in the NAF statistics. The media never mentions this fact. None of the remaining incidents are documented by the NAF.

Now lets have a look at pro-choice violence, shall we?













Summary of Killings, 1973-2010

Pro-Choice Murders and Homicides Fatal Botched Abortions Total Killings Pro-Life Murders and Homicides

302 551 853


Pro-Choicers Use Murder and Abortion for Many Things;

To cover up the sexual molestation of young girls To cover up adultery To support sexual slavery rings To pile up money while endangering the lives and health of women with disgusting and dangerous abortion mills 81 documented incidents on this Web site 28 documented incidents 5 documented incidents

15 documented incidents 30

Sex Crimes by Pro-Choicers

354 Child Rape and Molestation 60 Child Pornography Offenses 125 Other Sex Crimes against Children 211 Rape of Women Sexual Abuse, Battery and Molestation 725 123 Sexual Harassment and Misconduct 723 Indecent Exposure and Lewd Conduct 219 Other Sex Crimes Total Sex Crimes 2,540

Mutilation of Corpses/Grave Robbery 96 Forced Abortions 113 Criminal or Illegal Abortions 553 Practicing Medicine without a License 364 Gross Incompetence and Incompetence 168 Gross Malpractice and Malpractice 755 Gross Misconduct and Misconduct 75 Gross Negligence and Negligence 472 Unprofessional Conduct 204 Violation of Health and Safety Standards 465 Other Medical Crimes 170 Total Medical Crimes 3,435

Other Pro-Choice Crimes

Arsons and Firebombings Assault and Battery Bomb and Death Threats Hate Crimes Drug-Related Crimes Fraud-Related Crimes Property Crimes 30 1,121 492 91 408 681 863


Summary: Violence Comparison

Documented Violence by Pro-Choice Deadly and Extreme Violence (murders, attempted murders, kidnapping, torture, malicious wounding) Crimes Resulting in Injury (assault, battery, extortion, forced abortions, hate crimes, malpractice, negligence, sex crimes, violation of civil rights) Property Crimes (arson, firebombing, trespass, robbery, theft, destruction of property, vandalism) Alleged Violence by Pro-Life









Stonewall Riots, 1969, New York City


The Reality: Life Expectancies

Straight men: 75.2 years Gay men: 49.8 years Average loss of life: 25 years! Straight women: 80.4 years Lesbians: 52.5 years Average loss of Life: 28 years!

"Ronald Reagan, exPresident, deserves to experience a horrible death soon, and is getting what he deserves. We're listing him as wounded because the way he is dying is horrible (Alzheimer's) and irreversible ..."



(the clipboard says NAME: Lon Mabon. CRIME: Hate. VERDICT: Guilty. SENTENCE: Death. ACT-UP is a homosexual activist group).




1998: Vail Ski Lodge Arson, $12 million damage.


2009: Two KRKO radio towers destroyed, $1 million damage.


2008: Seattle Street of Dreams arson, $2.2 million damage.


2003: Hummers burned in Los Angeles, $750,000 damage.


Other Extreme Animal Rights and Environmentalist Violence

Theodore Kaczynski (the Unabomber) murdered two people. The press did its very best to cover up the fact that Kaczynski is an environmentalist. They have published books such as Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching and How to Sink Whalers, Driftnetters, and Other Environmentally Destructive Ships. Tree spiking. Mailing nail bombs to scientists.


Summary of Union Violence

12,000 acts of physical violence. 203 murders. 5,869 incidents of personal injury. 6,435 incidents of vandalism. destruction of property.




The Only Honest Conclusion:

The pro-life movement is the most peaceful social movement of all time!



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