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Network Analysis

By Mrs.Eranki Laita Mrs Jyoti Maheshwari

Circuit Definitions Classification of networks Series and Parallel connection Voltage and Current divider circuits Open and Short circuit Energy Sources Source transformation Kirchhoff's Voltage law Kirchhoff's Current law Mesh Analysis Node Analysis Superposition Theorem Thevenin's Theorem Nortons Theorem Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

Circuit Definitions
1. Circuit. A circuit is a closed conducting path through which an electric current either flows or is intended flow. 2. ParametersThe various elements of an electric circuit are called its parameters like resistance, inductance and capacitance. These parameters may be lumped or distributed. 3. Liner CircuitA linear circuit is one whose parameters are constant i.e. they do not change with voltage or current. 4. Non-linear CircuitIt is that circuit whose parameters change with voltage or current. 5. Bilateral CircuitA bilateral circuit is one whose properties or characteristics are the same in either direction. The usual transmission line is bilateral, because it can be made to perform its function equally well in either direction.

Circuit Definitions
6. Unilateral CircuitIt is that circuit whose properties or characteristics change with the direction of its operation. A diode rectifier is a unilateral circuit, because it cannot perform rectification in both directions. 7. Electric Network A combination of various electric elements, connected in any manner whatsoever, is called an electric network. 8. Passive Networkis one which contains no source of e.m.f. in it. 9. Active Networkis one which contains one or more than one source of e.m.f. 10.Lumped networkis one in which circuit elements are physically identifiable or separable 11. Distributed networkin which circuit elements canot be separable

Circuit Definitions
12.Node is a junction in a circuit where two or more circuit elements are connected together.
13.Branch is that part of a network which lies between two junctions. 14. LoopIt is a close path in a circuit in which no element or node is encountered more than once. 15. MeshIt is a loop that contains no other loop within it.

Q1.Find Branches, nodes,loops and mesh for the networks.

Branches-7, Node-6, junctions-2 loops-3,mesh-2

Branches-4, Node-2, Junctions-2,loops-6,mesh-3

Series and Parallel connections

Resistance in Series When some conductors having resistances R1,R2 and R3etc. are joined end-on-end as in Figure, they are said to be connected in series. It can be proved that the equivalent resistance or total resistance between points A and D is equal to the sum of the three individual resistances. Being a series circuit, it should be remembered that (i) current is the same through all the three conductors (ii) but voltage drop across each is different due to its different resistance and is given by Ohm's Law and (iii) sum of the three voltage drops is equal to the voltage applied across the three conductors. App: Voltage Divider

.. V = VI + V2+ V3= IRI + IR2 + IR3 But V = IR where R is the equivalent resistance of the series combination. . .. IR = IR1 + IR2 + IR3 or R = RI + R2+ R3 Also I/G = I/G1+I/G2+I/G3

Parallel Circuit
Resistances in Parallel:Three resistances, as joined in are said to be connected in parallel. In this case (i) p.d. across all resistances is the same (il) current in each resistor is different and is given by Ohm's Law and (iii) the total current I the sum of the three separate currents. app:Current Divider

Parallel Circuit
I=V/R= V/R1 + V/R2+ V/R3= II + I2 + I3 But V = IR where R is the equivalent resistance of the series combination. . .. R = 1/R1 + 1IR2 + 1IR3 or R = RI + R2+ R3 Also G = G1+G2+G3

Circuit Reduction
Q2.Find Equivalent resistance between ab, bc and ac

Q3.Find Equivalent resistance between ab for circuits given below

Short and Open Circuit

Short Circuit :When two points of circuit are connected together by a thick metallic wire ,they are said to be short-circuited. Since 'short' has practically zero resistance,it gives rise to two important facts : (i) no voltage can exist across it because V =IR =I x 0 =0 (ii) current through it (called short-circuit current)is very large(theoretically,infinity)

Open Circuit:Two points are said to be open-circuited when there is no direct connection between them,an 'open' represents a break in the continuity of the circuit. Due to this break . (i) resistance between the two points is infinite. (ii) there is no flow of current between the two points.

Energy Sources
Energy sources

DC Source

AC Source

Independent Source

Dependent Source

Energy Sources
Independent Source Dependent Source

Voltage Source

Current Source









Energy Sources
Voltage Sources: Ideal and Practical Voltage Source i) It is that voltage source (or generator) whose output voltage remains absolutely constant whatever the change in load current. ii)Such a voltage source must possess zero internal resistance so that internal voltage drop in the source is zero. iii)In that case, output voltage provided by the source would remain constant irrespective of the amount of current drawn from it.

V Vs

V Vs

Ideal Voltage Source

Practical Voltage Source

Energy Sources
Ideal and Practical Current Source It is that source whose internal resistance is infinity. In practice, it is approached by a source which posses very high resistance as compared to that of the external load resistance



V Practical Current Source

Ideal Current Source

Energy Sources
Dependent Sources

Source Transformation
Any voltage source with an internal resistance can be converted to an equivalent current source and viceversa by applying Ohms law to the source. The source resistance, RS, is the same for both.
To convert a voltage source to a current source,


To convert a current source to a voltage source,


Q4.Use Source conversion techniques in circuits below.

Kirchhoff's laws
Kirchhoff's Laws These laws are more comprehensive than Ohm's law and are used for solving electrical networks which may not be redily solved by the latter. Kirchhoff's laws, two in number, are particularly useful in (a) determining the equivalent resistance of a complicated network of conductors and (b) for calculating the currents flowing in the various conductors. The two-laws are : 1. Kirchhoff's Point Law or Current Law (KCL) It states as follows: in any electrical network, the algebraic sum of the currents meeting at a point (or junction) is zero. Put in another way, it simply means that the total current leaving a junction is equal to the total current entering that junction. It is obviously true because there is no accumulation of charge at the junction of the network. '


Consider the case of a few conductors meeting at a point A as in Fig.(a) . Some conductors have currents leading to point A, whereas some have currents leading away from point A. Assuming the incoming currents to be positive and the outgoing currents negative, we have I1+ (-I2) + (-I3) + I4 + (-Is) =0 I1+ I4 =I2+I3+ I5 Similarly, in Fig. (b) for node A +I + (-I1) + (-I2) + (-I3) + (-I4) =0 or I=I1 + I2+ I3+ I4


Q5a.Find Voltage V for the circuit.

Q5b.Find Currents i1 and i2

Kirchhoff's Mesh Law or Voltage Law (KVL)

It States as follows : the algebraic sum of the products of currents and resistances in each of the conductors in any closed path (or mesh) in a network plus the algebraic sum of the e.m.f in that path is zero. In other words, IR + emf = 0 ...round a mesh It should be noted that algebraic sum is the sum which takes into account the polarities of the voltage drops. Voltage rise in direction of current is positive Voltage drop in the direction of current is negative.

Consider the closed path ABCDA in if travelled around the mesh in the clockwise direction, different voltage drops will have the following signs :
I1R1_ is - ve (fall in potential) I2R2 is - ve (fall in potential) I3R3 is + ve (rise in potential) I4R4 is - ve (fall in potential) E2 is - ve (fall in potential) E1 is + ve (rise in potential) Using Kirchhoff's voltage law, we get - I1R1 - I2R2 - I3R3 - I4R4 - E2 + E =0 or I1R1+ I2R2 + I3R3 + I4R4 =E -E2


Q 6a.Use KVL Find i, V1, V2

Q 6b.Use KVL Find branch current

Loop current method/ Mesh Analysis

In the loop current method, you can solve for the currents in a circuit using simultaneous equations. Steps: 1. Assign a current in each non redundant loop in an arbitrary direction. 2. Show polarities according to the assigned direction of current in each loop. 3. Apply KVL around each closed loop. 4. Solve the resulting equations for the loop currents.

Mesh Analysis

Q 7a .Determine Current through 5 ohm resistor using Mesh Analysis

Q7b.Determine Current i1 and i2 using Mesh Analysis

Node voltage method

In the node voltage method, you can solve for the unknown voltages in a circuit using KCL. Steps: 1. Determine the number of nodes. 2. Select one node as a reference. Assign voltage designations to each unknown node. 3. Assign currents into and out of each node except the reference node. 4. Apply KCL at each node where currents are assigned. 5. Express the current equations in terms of the voltages and solve for the unknown voltages using Ohms law.

Node analysis

Q8b.Current i using Node analysis Q.8a.Current through each branch using Node analysis

Superposition Theorem
The superposition theorem is a way to determine currents and voltages in a linear circuit that has multiple sources by taking one source at a time and algebraically summing the results. Statement: In a network of linear resistances containing more than one generator (or source of e.m.f.), the current which flows at any point is the sum of all the currents which would flow at that point if each generator where considered separately and all the other generators replaced for the time being by resistances equal to their internal resistances. Ideal Voltage Source:internal resistance Rs = Zero Ideal Current Source: internal resistance Rs = infiniity

Superposition Theorem

Use Superposition theorem to find current I

Use superposition theorem to determine the voltage v

Thevenin's Theorem
It provides a mathematical technique for replacing a given network, as viewed from two output terminals, by a single voltage source with a series resistance.

It makes the solution of complicated networks (particularly, electronic networks) quite quick and easy.

The application of this extremely useful theorem will be explained with the help of the following simple example.

The current flowing through a load resistance RL connected across any two terminals A and B of a linear, active bilateral network is given by Voc/(Ri+ RL) where Voc is the open-circuit voltage (i.e. voltage across the two terminals when RL is removed) and Ri is the internal resistance of the network as viewed back into the open-circuited network from terminals A and B with all voltage sources replaced by their internal resistance (if any) and current sources by infinite resistance.

Thevenins Theorem
Thevenins theorem states that any two-terminal, resistive circuit can be replaced with a simple equivalent circuit when viewed from two output terminals. The equivalent circuit is:


VTH= Voc=the open circuit voltage between the two output terminals of a circuit.

RTH= Ri = the total resistance appearing between the two output terminals when all sources have been replaced by their internal resistances.

Thevenin's Theorem

Thevenin's Theorem
1. Temporarily remove the resistance (called load resistance RJ whose current is required. 2. Find the open-circuit voltage Voc which appears across the two terminals from where resistance has been removed. It is also called Thevenin voltage VTH. 3. Compute the resistance of the whose network as looked into from these two terminals after all voltage sources have been removed leaving behind their internal resistances (if any) and current sources have been replaced by open-circuit i.e. infinite resistance. It is also called Thevenin resistance RTH or Ri 4. Replace the entire network by a single Thevenin source, whose voltage is VTHor Voc and whose internal resistance is RTHor Ri. 5. Connect RL back to its terminals from where it was previously removed. 6. Finally, calculate the current flowing through RL by using the equation. I = VTH/(RTH+ RL) or I = Voc/(Ri + RL)

Thevenin's Theorem

Calculate the value of Vthand Rth between terminals A and B

Calculate the value of Vthand Rth between terminals A and B

Nortons Theorem
Nortons theorem states that any two-terminal, resistive circuit can be replaced with a simple equivalent circuit when viewed from two output terminals. The equivalent circuit is:



Statement:The voltage between any two points in a network is equal to Isc. Ri where Isc is the short-circuit current between the two points and Ri is the resistance of the network as viewed from these points with all voltage sources being replaced by their internal resistances (if any) and current sources replaced by open-circuits.

Nortons Theorem
IN or Iscis defined as the output current when the output terminals are shorted. RN or Rsc is defined as the total resistance appearing between the two output terminals when all sources have been replaced by their internal resistances.

Any two-terminal active network containing all voltage sources and resistance when viewed from its output terminals is equivalent to a constant-.current source and a parallel resistance. The constant current is equal to the current which would flown in a short-circuit placed across the terminals and parallel resistance is the resistance of the network when viewed from these open-circuited terminals after all voltage and current sources have been removed and replaced by their internal resistances

Nortons Theorem


Nortons Theorem
This procedure is based on the first statement of the theorem given above. 1. Remove the resistance (if any) across the two given tenninals and put a short-circuit across them. 2. Compute the short-circuit current Isc 3. Remove all voltage sources but retain their internal resistances, if any. Similarly, remove all current sources and replace them by opencircuits i.e. by infinite resistance. 4. Next, find the resistance RI (also called RN)of the network as looked into from the given terminals. It is exactly the same as RTH . 5. The current source (Isc) joined in parallel across Ri between the two terminals gives Norton's equivalent circuit. .

Find the Norton equivalent for the circuits

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

As applied to d.c. networks, this theorem may be stated as follows : A resistive load will abstract maximum power from a network when the load resistance is equal to the resistance of the network as viewed from the output terminals, with all energy sources removed leaving behind their internal resistances.

Maximum power transfer

The maximum power is transferred from a source to a load when the load resistance is equal to the internal source resistance.

The maximum power transfer theorem assumes the source voltage and resistance are fixed.

Maximum power transfer

What is the power delivered to the matching load? RS The voltage to 50 W VS + the load is 5.0 V. RL 10 V The power 50 W delivered is
5 .V V 0 P =W 0 . 5 L R 5 0 W L
2 2

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