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What is healing food? Biological food therapy Raw foodism Cancer fighting/healing food Friendly bacteria / probiotics DHA


What is Healing Food?

Food that is believed to prevent, cure disease. Let food be your medicine and medicine be

your food (Hippocrates) popular belief

Food as medicine become increasingly Alternative medicine


Biological Food Therapy

Derived from Biological Medicine which

originated from European countries

Usually for chronic disease eg arthritis Cleansing, detoxifying, repairing, assisting

bodys own healing processes

Therapeutic fasting (3-40 days)

Moinhos Velhos, Portugal

Pure water, fresh fruits and vegetable juice

Packed with nutrition speed up recovery


4/29/12 Carrot, apple, blackcurrant, tomato

Biological Food Therapy

Vegetable broth

Boiling variety of vegetables chunks for 30 min (stainless steel, glass, earthenware) Drink only the broth Highly alkaline, nutrition rich

Herb teas

Rose hips (vit c), peppermint, alfalfa, camomile, feenugreek

Intermediate diet

Raw vegetables and fruits, juices, boiled potatoes, 4/29/12vegetables soups, homemade soured milk, whey

Biological Food Therapy

Food to avoid
Canned, frozen, preserved food Unripe fruits Processed grains, cheese Pasteurized milk Fried food Hydrogenated, saturated, animal fats Meat White 4/29/12

sugar, sugar replacements

Raw Foodism
Diet based upon uncooked or unprocessed

food (vegetables, fruits, sprouts)

Cooking and heating destroys the enzymes,

diminishes nutrients and life force (<50C)

75% of each meal must be raw Benefits
Increased energy Improved skin appearance Better 4/29/12


Raw Foodism
Low in saturated, trans fat, sodium High in potasium, folate, fiber, Mg,


Pregnant or nursing women People with anemia People at risk for osteoporosis - A Washington

University study found that people following a 4/29/12 raw food diet had lower bone mass. Bone

Cancer Fighting/ Healing Food

et al 2007) vitamin E
Broccoli and cabbage - isothiocyanates and Avocado - betacarotene, vitamin C, folate,

Apple triterpenoid in apple peel (Xiang Ju He


Tomato Garlic and onion - alluvium Grapefruit, citrus, orange - vitamin c,

4/29/12 betacarotene

and folate

Means for life "A live microbial feed supplement which

beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal balance".(Fuller 1989) Prize)

Initially observed by Eli Metchnikoff (Nobel

"The dependence of the intestinal microbes on

the food makes it possible to adopt measures to modify the flora in our bodies and to replace the harmful microbes by useful microbes" (Metchnikoff, 1907). 4/29/12

Used to prevent (Saavedra et al., 1994;

Szajewska et al., 2001) and treat (Isolauri et al.,1991; Guarino et al., 1997; Majamaa et al., 1995; Shornikova et al., 1997; Perdone et al.,1999; Guandalini et al., 2000) acute diarhoea in children of bacterial induced diarhoea (Arvola et al., 1999; Vanderhoof et al., 1999;Armuzzi et al., 2001)

Useful as prophylaxis and alleviate symptoms

Prevent death and severe morbidity in 4/29/12

Docosahexanoic acid (originate from omega-


Predominant structural fatty acid in the brain According to WHO and FAO,pregnant women -

2.6g of omega -3 and 100-300 mg of DHA higher mental processing, high degree of stereopsis and stereo acuity at 4 years of age (William C. et al, 2001)
Reduce risk of preterm delivery (Olsen et al) Reduce risk of postpartum depression and 4/29/12


Low level in 40% of ADHD children (Burgess JL

et al, 2000)

Beneficial in improving learning capabilities

and learning preformance in preschool and school age children (Merhaban,2005)

Increase serotonin and boost memory help

in Alzheimer, Parkinsonism (Youdim KA et al 2000)


Paavo O. Airola (1968) There is a Cure for Arthritis 1st Ed:

New York, Parker Publisher Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Evaluation of Health

and Nutritional Properties of Probiotics in Food Including Powder Milk with Live Lactic Acid Bacteria, October 2001
Simopoulos AP, Leaf A, Salem M, Workshop on the

essentiality of and recommended intakes omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, Prostglandin Leukotrienes Essential Fatty Acids 2000 (119-121)
Meharban Singh, Indian Paediatric Journal 2005

Thank You


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