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Fossil evidence shows a long history of life on Earth.

The fossil record shows that forms of organisms appeared, lasted for long periods of time, and then disappeared, only to be followed by newer forms of life that also eventually disappeared. The history of life is one of constant change and a tremendous diversity of life-forms.

Fossil trace of long-dead organism Found in layers of sedimentary rock

formed when sediment is deposited by


Develop from hard body parts

Teeth, bone

Over long time, hard minerals replace tissue of organism

Mold imprint in rock in shape of organism

Cast rocklike model of organism

Cast Mold

Published conclusion that fossils were remains of plants and animals Before, people thought fossils were natural parts of rocks One of first scientists to study fossils

Proposed the law of superposition successive layers of rock or soil were deposited on top of one another by wind or water Lowest stratum (layer) is the oldest Top stratum is the most recent

Relative age using Stenos law, can say a given fossil is older/younger than another fossil Absolute age by radiological evidence

Mass extinctions short periods where large numbers of species disappeared

Biogeography study of geographical distribution of fossils and living organisms Living organisms in same area as extinct species look similar Probably descended from old species

Modern day armadillo

Extinct Glyptodont

The word evolution refers to an orderly succession of changes. Biological evolution is the change of populations of organisms over generations. Early scientists noticed that new life-forms appeared to be modifications of fossil forms found in the same geographical area. This strongly implied that a natural modification process was at work.

One of the first to give unifying hypothesis of species modification Said similar species descended from common ancestor
Living species descended from similar

species in fossil record

Lamarck used acquired traits to explain how species changed Acquired trait not determined by genes Results from organisms experience during its lifetime Ex. Water birds webbed feet came from repeated stretching of membrane between toes

This would be passed to offspring

Biggest problem: how does a trait acquired during lifetime get passed on to offspring? It doesnt. Buthe was the first to clearly state that organisms change over time and that new organisms are descendants of old organisms

Natural selection organisms best adapted to environment reproduce more successfully than others Over generations, the fraction of organisms with favorable traits increases in a population Proposed by both Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace at same time independent of one another

Son of wealthy British physician Went to medical school, then studied for priesthood Didnt like either one Friendship with botanist gave him interest in natural history Sailed on H.M.S. Beagle for 5 years to South America and South Pacific

Darwin read geology book Principles of Geology Spoke of uniformitarianism geological structure of Earth results from cycles and processes that are continuous through time

Took collections of finches (birds) from Galapagos Islands Had 13 similar but separate species Each had unique beak specialized for particular food source

Similar enough in appearance that he concluded they descended from common ancestor

Ideas about evolution and natural selection are summed up in two theories Descent with modification Modification by natural selection

1. 2.

States that newer forms appearing in fossil record are actually the modified descendants of older species ALL species descended from one or a few original types of life

States how evolution occurs Most populations have the ability to grow uncontrollably but do not Environment limits growth by increasing rate of death, decreasing rate of birth Because individuals are not identical, environment affects different individuals differently

If a trait increases the reproductive success AND is inherited, the trait will be passed on to many offspring Population adapts to environment as their fraction of favorable genes increases Resulting change in genetic makeup of population is evolution

Fitness single organisms genetic contribution to next generation High fitness = well adapted, reproduces more successfully Low fitness = not well adapted, wont reproduce successfully

The individual does not select which traits to pass on Traits are favorable according to demands of environment Different for all species, all habitats

The large size of an elephant is NOT an advantage for flying birds.

Evolution is a continuous process. By examining genotypic and phenotypic evidence in modern organisms, we can see evidence that evolution has occurred. By considering species in relation to one another, we can also detect definite patterns of evolution.

Homologous features similar features that originated in shared ancestor

beaks of Galapagos finches

Analogous features identical functions, look like

Very different embryological development

Many organisms have features that seem to do nothing Humans tailbone, appendix Vestigial features useful to ancestor, not anymore Give clues to evolution

Early stages of different vertebrate embryos is very similar More similar = more recent common ancestor

The more similar the form, the more recent common ancestor Also on the molecular level

Proteins, DNA, RNA

Hemoglobin amino acid sequence between species similar

Human and gorilla different by only 1

amino acid Human and frog different by 67 amino acids

Several ways species can adapt to habitats Pattern and speed of evolution result from changing requirements of environment

Coevolution change of two or more species in close association with each other Predator-prey Parasite-host

Convergent when environment selects similar phenotypes, even though ancestors were very different Shark-dolphin Bird-insect

Divergent two or more related populations become more and more dissimilar Adaptive radiation natural (change habitat) Artificial selection breeding cats/dogs
Canis familiaris dog

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