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Organizational Behavior is defined as

a field of study that investigates the

impact that individuals, groups and
structures in an organization.
OB is the study and application of
knowledge of about how people as
individuals and as groups act within
the organization. t strives to identify
various ways in which people can act
more effectively.
ndustrial Revolution
8cientific management
Human relations movement
Behavior science/OB
%he word "technology" can also be
used to refer to a collection of
technique. t is the current state of
humanity's knowledge of how to
combine resources to produce
desired products, to solve problems,
fulfill needs, or satisfy wants; it
includes technical methods, skills,
processes, techniques, tools and raw
Businesses are becoming smaller in size; they are
doing more outsourcing and employing fewer full-
time workers.
New, more flexible, and adaptable organizational
forms are replacing the traditional pyramid
Multifunctional understanding is increasingly
important as organizations emphasize lateral
orkers with both technical knowledge and
team skills are becoming increasingly sought
%he nature of work" is in flux as ]obs
change fast, require continuous learning.
Rules, policies, and procedures could be
replaced with a decision support system
More complex decision support systems
have provided middle and lower level
managers as programs to aid in analyzing
complex problems.
new series of coordination devices based
on %echnology can displace the memo and the
coordinating department as firms constitute
temporary teams and task forces using virtual
meetings"-meetings via E-mail to solve cross-
departmental problems.
%echnology can be linked to total quality
management {%"M_ programs and be
embedded in the machinery. Here data on
operations can be transformed into knowledge
of operations and used to systematically
improve quality and efficiency
%echnology can revolutionize the
categorization process that underlies the
matching by helping to create much more
sophisticated categories and link these
categories in new ways.
%oday , what has been called nfo-%ech
age, computer technology has made it
possible to eliminate vast amount of grunt
work that laborers used to do.
{monotonous, boring & dangerous physical
labor _
Modern technology has also changed the
way managers operate. ith easy access
to information, they can concentrate on
bigger picture of innovative ways to
improve whole organization
%hey can now more focus on behavioral
aspects like creating, ]udging and
building relationships. Cotemporary OB
recognizes that people care more than
ever about the interpersonal side of work
- recognition ,relationships and social
interaction etc.
Despite the fact that technology has
advanced , changing the ways employees
work, people themselves have not
changed. ll employees are human and
simply because they are working
differently than before, basic application
of OB concepts remains the same
orking with leaner workforce
ant to employ people with multi skills
ant to strike balance between qualitative &
quantitative aspects of HR planning
More emphasis on expansion strategies
through Mergers, %akeovers, JV's.Partnerships
More emphasis on productivity through
More investment in R&D, want people with
research background
Organizations becoming Multinational & Global
in character
nducting /developing global managers for
global assignments and global challenges
More strategic and focus on developmental
aspects of employees
Greater thrust on competitiveness through
cost- leadership
WDegree of routineness
WRecent advances in
WEffect of %echnology
in reshaping
kout|ne techno|og|es
1hey are character|zed by
automated and
standard|zed operat|ons
1hey are assoc|ated w|th a
centra||zed structure
Nonrout|ne techno|og|es
1he|r act|v|t|es are
1hey re|y heav||y on
know|edge of spec|a||sts
|e De|egated author|ty
L g Custom|zed shoes
lntronet ond
Lffect of 1echno|ogy Lffect of 1echno|ogy
|n reshap|ng organ|zat|ons |n reshap|ng organ|zat|ons
ln Loday's chaoLlc uncerLaln hlgh
Lech world Lhere ls essenLlally only
one Lype of deslgn LhaL's golng Lo
survlve1he e|ectron|ca||y conf|gured
organ|c organ|zat|on8rlckand
morLar organlzaLlons wlll noL go
away buL c||ckandmortar
organlzaLlons wlll become Lhe only
means of survlval
1echnology has lead Lo customer
pr|or|ty Lvery organlzaLlon wlll need
Lo keep lLs flnger on Lhe pulse of Lhe
cusLomers because Lhey are galnlng
Lhe ablllLy Lo compare Lhe prlces of
hundreds of compeLlLors due Lo rlse
ln Lechnology
Counter po|nt
undamenta| organ|zat|ons haven't
changed 1here ls no doubL LhaL
Lechnologles wlll Lransform Lhe
sLrucLure of organlzaLlons 8uL Lhe
changes have been and wlll conLlnue
Lo be gradua| Also llfe has remalned
Lhe same and Lhe way people relaLe
Lo each oLher has remalned Lhe
L g 1ake Lhe case of Luropean
Pas lLs formaLlon abollshed naLlonal
borders ln Lhe largesL conLlnenLal
socleLy ln Lhe wesLern world ? no
lrance ls sLlll lrance Cermany ls
sLlll Cermany 1hlngs have changed
8u1 Lhlngs have noL changed
1echno|ogy a||ows f|rms to stay c|ose
to the customers 1h|s he|ps the f|rms
bymov|ng [obs to where costs are
|owest and to make dec|s|ons more
L g CISCC Systems can mon|tor
expenses gross marg|ns the supp|y
cha|n and prof|tab|||ty |n rea| t|me
Current|y every emp|oyee can make
dec|s|ons that m|ght have to come
down from the top management
ranks(CLC etc)a few years ago
1he emphas|s on speed has |ts ||m|ts
1he exchange of |deas and bra|ns don't
speed up ou may be ab|e to reach
peop|e around the c|ockbut they won't
th|nk any faster of better [ust because
you've reached them faster
1he v|rtua| organ|zat|on a|so has
||m|tat|ons When you farm out your
data process|ng and other funct|ons you
make your capab|||t|es ava||ab|e to your
compet|torsSov|rtua||zat|on of work
d|m|n|shes compet|t|ve advantage
a_ 98% of the spot welds on new Ford %auruses are
performed by robots, not by people.
b_ BM has built a plant in ustin{%exas_,that can
produce laptops without the help of a single
c_ utomated teller machines{%M_,have replaced
ten thousands of human tellers in banks.
|. |.ss|tst|sss| |s|s.|s.(ts,|ss.|.|s|||ss)
I. |m s ||tt|s s|s,t|ss|.|.s|ss isst s,ssi a,(/.|.s.s)
. Kst||s s\ss,t |ssm,ss|ss(1.||sm|s.s)
+. ||stss |s.s |s ,|s|si a, ss.sss t|s ws.|i w|is ws|.
W Formal organization
W nformal organization
W Difference between formal and
informal organisation
W %echnological development in
Formal organization is a fixed set of rules of
intra-organization procedures and structures.
s such, it is usually set out in writing, with a
language of rules that ostensibly leave little
discretion for interpretation.
n some societies and in some organization,
such rules may be strictly followed; in others,
they may be little more than an empty formalism
%he informal organization is the interlocking social
structure that governs how people work together in
t is the aggregate of behaviours, interactions, norms,
personal and professional connections through which work
gets done and relationships are built among people who
share a common organizational affiliation or cluster of
t consists of a dynamic set of personal
relationships, social networks, communities of common
interest, and emotional sources of motivation.
Wh||e the |nforma|
organ|zat|on refers to the network of
persona| and soc|a| re|at|ons that |s
deve|oped spontaneous|y between
peop|e assoc|ated w|th each other
Wh||e the pr|mary focus of the
|nforma| organ|zat|on |s the
emp|oyee as an |nd|v|dua| person
In an |nforma| organ|zat|on power |s
der|ved from the membersh|p of the
|nforma| groups w|th|n the
Wh||e |n an |nforma|
organ|zat|on the conduct of
|nd|v|dua|s w|th|n organ|zat|on |s
governed by norms that |s soc|a|
ru|es of behav|our
1he forma| Crgan|zat|on refers to the
forma| re|at|onsh|ps of author|ty and
subord|nates w|th|n a company
1he pr|mary focus of the forma|
organ|zat|on |s the pos|t|on of the
emp|oyee]manager ho|ds
In forma| Crgan|zat|on power |s
de|egated from the top |eve|s of the
management down to the organ|zat|on
In forma| Crgan|zat|on each pos|t|on
has ru|es govern|ng what can be done or
what cannot be done 1here are rewards
and pena|t|es for comp|y|ng w|th these
ru|es and perform|ng dut|es as we||

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