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8rand ManagemenL

ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS

JhaL ls a roducL? JhaL ls a roducL?
W Anyth|ng that can be offered to a market for
attent|on acqu|s|t|on use or consumpt|on
W Sat|sf|es a want or a need
W Inc|udes
hys|ca| roducts Serv|ces ersons
|aces Crgan|zat|ons Ideas
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
eve|s of roduct eve|s of roduct
FundamentaI Need
FundamentaI Need
Augmented roduct
Add|t|ona| Attr|butes
Augmented roduct
Add|t|ona| Attr|butes
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
roduct Attr|bute
roduct Attr|bute
"uaIity "uaIity "uaIity "uaIity
Features Features Features Features
Design Design Design Design
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
JhaL ls a Servlce?
W A form of producL LhaL conslsLs of acLlvlLles
beneflLs or saLlsfacLlons offered for sale LhaL
are essenLlally lnLanglble and do noL resulL ln
Lhe ownershlp of anyLhlng
Lxamples banklng hoLel alrllne reLall Lax
preparaLlon home repalrs
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
-aLure and CharacLerlsLlcs of a Servlce
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
1he roducLServlce ConLlnuum
Sugar Restaurant
Pure Tangible Cood Pure Service
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand Def|ned
A brand |s a name term s|gn symbo| or des|gn
or a comb|nat|on of these that |dent|f|es the
maker or se||er of a product or serv|ce
Creat|ng ma|nta|n|ng protect|ng and enhanc|ng
products and serv|ces
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand |s a product that adds d|mens|ons to
d|fferent|ate from other products des|gned to
sat|sfy the same need
D|fferences cou|d be rat|ona| tang|b|e
Symbo||c emot|ona| |ntang|b|e
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8enef|ts of 8rands to Consumers
1 Ident|f|cat|on of source of products
2 k|sk keducer Consumers may perce|ve
d|fferent types of r|sks |n buy|ng
Iunct|ona| k|sk product performance
hys|ca| k|sk hea|th re|ated hazards
I|nanc|a| k|sk worth for the pr|ce pa|d
Soc|a| k|sk status embarrassments
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
@|me Lnergy k|sk cost of f|nd|ng another
Sat|sfactory product
8rands can be a very |mportant r|skhand||ng dev|ce
3 Search Cost keducer
4 8ond or act w|th the manufacturer or
Serv|ce rov|der ut|||ty cons|stency
Appropr|ateness s of Market|ng
S Symbo||c Dev|ce ersona||ty tra|ts va|ues
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8enef|ts of 8rands to Compan|es
1 Ident|f|cat|on 1 Ident|f|cat|on
2 ega| rotect|on
3 S|gna| of qua||ty |eve| to sat|sf|ed
4 Compet|t|ve Advantage
S I|nanc|a| returns
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand|ng Cha||enges
1 Savvy Customers advent of I@ know|edgeab|e
exper|enced demand|ng
2 ro||ferat|ons ||ne and brand extens|ons
comp||cated the market|ng dec|s|ons
3 Increased Compet|t|on 8rand extens|ons
G|oba||zat|on Im|tat|ons
4 Med|a Iragmentat|on non trad|t|ona| forms of
commun|cat|on z|pp|ng cab|e @I
S Decreas|ng 8rand oya|ty |n many categor|es
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand Lqu|ty
8randlng ls all abouL creaLlng dlfferences
D|fferences |n outcomes ar|s|ng from the 'added va|ue'
endowed to a product
8rand Lqu|ty |s the va|ue of a brand
A pos|t|ve d|fferent|a| effect that know|ng a 8rand
Name has on customer's response towards the
roduct or serv|ces
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Strateg|c 8rand Management rocess
Invo|ves the des|gn and |mp|ementat|on of market|ng
programs and act|v|t|es to bu||d measure and
manage brand equ|ty
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Ident|fy and Lstab||sh
8rand os|t|on|ng and
|an and Imp|ement
8rand Market|ng
Measure and Interpret
8rand erformance
Grow and Susta|n 8rand
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Ident|fy and Lstab||sh 8rand os|t|on|ng and Ia|ues
Menta| Maps undersLandlng whaL Lhe brand represenL
Compet|t|ve Irame AdvanLages of a brand vlsavls
o|nts of ar|ty and D|fference
Core 8rand Ia|ues SeL of ALLrlbuLes and beneflLs
8rand Mantra LhreeLoflve words expresslon of Lhe
mosL lmporLanL aspecLs of Lhe brand
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
|an and Imp|ement 8rand Market|ng rogram
M|x|ng and Match|ng the 8rand L|ements
vlsual or verbal lnformaLlon LhaL serves Lo ldenLlfy and
dlfferenLlaLe a producL
Common LlemenLs are 8rand -ame Logo Symbol
CharacLer packaglng and slogans
Chosen Lo enhance brand awareness or faclllLaLe Lhe
formaLlon of sLrong favorable and unlque brand
ulfferenL elemenLs have dlfferenL advanLages a subseL
or even all Lhe posslble brand elemenLs are ofLen
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Integrat|ng 8rand |nto Market|ng Act|v|t|es and the
Support|ng Market|ng rograms
rlmary lnpuL Lo bulld a sLrong brand comes from Lhe
markeLlng acLlvlLles relaLed Lo brand
roducL rlce and Channel SLraLegy
everag|ng Secondary Assoc|at|ons
roducL Crlgln
Channel SLraLegy
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand 8u||d|ng @oo|s
Choos|ng 8rand L|ements
8rand Name ogo Symbo|
Character ackag|ng S|ogan
Memorab|e Mean|ngfu|
|keab|||ty Adaptab|||ty
Deve|op|ng Market|ng
@ang|b|e ] Intang|b|e 8enef|ts
Ia|ue ercept|on
Integrat|on ush ] u||
M|x and Match opt|ons
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
everag|ng Secondary
Company Name
Country of Cr|g|n
Channe| of D|str|but|on
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand Awareness
Depth 8readth
8rand AssoclaLlons
Choos|ng 8rand L|ements
Deve|op|ng Market|ng
everag|ng Secondary
o|nts of ar|ty
o|nts of D|fference
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Choos|ng 8rand
Deve|op|ng Market|ng
everag|ng Secondary
oss|b|e Cutcomes
ess Iu|nerab|||ty
arger Marg|ns
@rade Cooperat|ons
Increased Market|ng
8rand Lxtens|ons
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Customer 8ased 8rand Lqu|ty Mode|
8aslc remlse of Lhe model ls whaL cusLomers have
LearnL lelL Seen and heard abouL Lhe brand as a resulL
of Lhelr experlences over a perlod of Llme
ower of brand ||es |n what ||es |n the m|nds of the
1he challenge Lo Lhe markeLers ln Lo bulldlng a sLrong
8rand ls Lo ensure LhaL cusLomers have rlghL experlence
wlLh Lhe producL and assoclaLed markeLlng programs
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
CusLomer 8ased 8rand LqulLy ls deflned as Lhe
ulfferenLlal effecL LhaL 8rand knowledge has on consumer
response Lo Lhe markeLlng of LhaL brand
D|fferent|a| Lffect dlfference ln offerlngs Lhan Lhe
lf no dlfference occur Lhen Lhe brand name can be
essenLlally classlfled as CCMMCul1? or CL-L8lC
CompeLlLlon may be based on rlce
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand know|edge dlfferences ln response are a resulL
of consumers' knowledge abouL Lhe brand from pasL
Lxperlence LearnL felL saw or heard
Market|ng rograms dlfferenLlal response reflecLed ln
ercepLlons preferences and behavlor relaLed Lo all
AspecLs of Lhe markeLlng
8ecall of varlous Louch polnLs AdverLlsemenLs
sales promoLlons
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Sources of 8rand Lqu|ty
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand Awareness conslsLs of brand recognlLlon and
brand recall performance
8rand 8ecognlLlon relaLes Lo consumers' ablllLy Lo conflrm
prlor exposure Lo Lhe brand when glven Lhe brand as a
8rand 8ecall relaLes Lo consumers' ablllLy Lo reLrleve Lhe
brand from memory when glven Lhe cues
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand Awareness plays an lmporLanL role ln consumers'
declslon maklng for Lhree maln reasons
Learnlng AdvanLage awareness lnfluences Lhe formaLlon
sLrengLh of Lhe brand assoclaLlons LhaL make up Lhe
8rand lmage
ConslderaLlon AdvanLage lL ls lmporLanL LhaL consumers
Lhlnk of and conslder Lhe brand whenever Lhey are
Maklng a purchase for whlch Lhe brand can be poLenLlally
be accepLable
8alslng brand awareness lncreases Lhe llkellhood LhaL
brand wlll be a member of Lhe conslderaLlon seL
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Cholce AdvanLage 8rand awareness can affecL cholces
among Lhe conslderaLlon seL
Consumers may make cholces based on brand awareness
conslderaLlons when Lhey have low lnvolvemenL
Low lnvolvemenL could be ln Lerms of lack of moLlvaLlon Lo
purchase naLure of producL lack of knowledge or experlence
8rand Awareness ls creaLed by repeaLed exposure wlLh Lhe
help of adverLlslng promoLlons sponsorshlps evenLs eLc
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
lL ls lmporLanL Lo vlsually and verbally relnforce Lhe brand
name wlLh full complemenL of brand elemenLs
A poslLlve brand lmage ls creaLed by markeLlng programs LhaL
llnk sLrong favorable and unlque assoclaLlons Lo Lhe brand ln
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
SLeps of 8rand 8ulldlng
Lnsure ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe brand wlLh cusLomers and
an assoclaLlon of Lhe brand ln cusLomers' mlnd wlLh a
speclflc poslLlonlng
llrmly esLabllsh Lhe LoLallLy of brand meanlng ln Lhe mlnd
of cusLomers by sLraLeglcally llnklng Langlble and
lnLanglble brand assoclaLlons wlLh cerLaln properLles
WnC AkL CU? (brand Ident|ty)
WnA@ AkL CU? (8rand Mean|ng)
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Lnsure ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe brand wlLh cusLomers and
an assoclaLlon of Lhe brand ln cusLomers' mlnd wlLh a
speclflc poslLlonlng
ConverL 8rand response Lo creaLe an lnLense acLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween brand and Lhe consumers
WnA@ DC I @nINk Ck ILL A8CU@ CU? 8rand
WnA@ A8CU@ CU AND ML? Assoc|at|ons
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
1 Ident|ty
2 Mean|ng
3 kesponse
4 ke|at|onsh|ps
Customer 8ased 8rand Lqu|ty yram|d
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand Sa||ence relaLes Lo aspecLs of Lhe awareness
of Lhe brand 8rand 8ecall 8ecognlLlon
8readth and Depth of Awareness lL ls lmporLanL Lo
have hlgh levels of brand awareness under a varleLy of
Depth of Awareness Llkellhood LhaL a brand elemenL
wlll come Lo mlnd and Lhe ease wlLh whlch lL does so
8readth of Awareness 1he range of purchase and
usage slLuaLlons ln whlch Lhe brand elemenLs comes Lo
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
W W Brand Recognition / Equity Brand Recognition / Equity -
awareness, IoyaIty, quaIity, emotion
W W Brand Preference / LoyaIty Brand Preference / LoyaIty - the degree to
which customers are committed to further
purchases eg. I wiII aIways buy Reebok
(Brand Insistence)
roduct n|erarchy has lmporLanL lmpllcaLlon for how Lo
lmprove brand awareness
JaLer llavored
-on Alcohollc Alcohollc
PoL 8everages
SofL urlnks
Jlne 8eer
ulsLllled SplrlLs
lL conLalns schemaLlc deplcLlon of posslble hlerarchy LhaL
May exlsL ln consumers' mlnd
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
CrganlzaLlon of Lhe producL caLegory hlerarchy LhaL
prevalls ln memory plays an lmporLanL role ln consumer
declslon maklng
Plghly sallenL brand ls Lhe one whlch has boLh depLh and
breadLh of brand awareness
lL should be developed ln such a manner LhaL cusLomers
always make sufflclenL purchases as well always Lhlnk
of Lhe brand across a var|ety of sett|ngs ln whlch lL
could be employed or consumed
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand erformance ueslgnlng and dellverlng a producL
LhaL fully saLlsfles consumer needs and wanLs
roducL lLself ls aL Lhe hearL of brand equlLy
1o whaL exLenL does Lhe brand saLlsfy uLlllLarlan aesLheLlc
and economlc needs and wanLs
ulfferenL performance dlmenslons can serve as a means
Lo dlfferenLlaLe Lhe brand
2 Mean|ng
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
ulfferenL Lypes of aLLrlbuLes and beneflLs LhaL ofLen
underlle brand performance
1 rlmary lngredlenLs and supplemenLary feaLures
2 roducL rellablllLy durablllLy and servlceablllLy
3 Servlce effecLlveness efflclency and empaLhy
4 SLyle and ueslgn
3 rlce
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Some aLLrlbuLes are essenLlal lngredlenLs necessary for
a producL Lo work
CLher aLLrlbuLes are supplemenLary feaLures LhaL allow
for cusLomlzaLlon and more versaLlle personallzed
1hese aLLrlbuLes vary by producL or servlce caLegory
Some caLegorles have few lngredlenLs or feaLures 8read
Some caLegorles have many essenLlal lngredlenLs buL
few feaLures Cven many opLlonal feaLures
Some caLegorles have numerous lngredlenLs and feaLures
Muslc layer mulLlple opLlons
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand lmagery deals wlLh exLrlnslc properLles of Lhe
producL or servlce lncludlng Lhe way ln whlch Lhe brand
aLLempLs Lo meeL cusLomer's psychologlcal and soclal
8rand lmagery ls how people Lhlnk abouL a brand absLracLly
raLher Lhan whaL Lhey Lhlnk Lhe brand acLually
2 Mean|ng
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
lL refers Lo more lnLanglble aspecLs of Lhe brand
lmagery assoclaLlons can be formed dlrecLly or lndlrecLly
ulrecLly cusLomer experlence conLacL wlLh producL
usage slLuaLlons eLc
Ind|rect|y through the des|rous dep|ct|ons commun|cated
|n brand advert|s|ng or some other sources of |nformat|on
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Many Lypes of lnLanglbles can be llnked Lo a brand
user roflle
urchase and usage SlLuaLlons
ersonallLy and values
PlsLory PerlLage and Lxperlences
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand !udgmenLs locus on cusLomer's personal
oplnlons and evaluaLlons wlLh Lhe brand
8rand !udgmenL lnvolve how a cusLomer puLs LogeLher
all dlfferenL performance and lmagery assoclaLlons of
Lhe brand Lo form dlfferenL klnds of oplnlons
3 kesponse
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Some of Lhe brand [udgmenLs LhaL are lmporLanL Lo
8ulldlng a sLrong brand are
ua||ty Cred|b|||ty
User rof||e
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand CuallLy ls Lhe aLLlLude Lowards brand performance
and lLs maLch wlLh Lhe percelved quallLy expecLaLlons
8rand aLLlLudes are lmporLanL because Lhey ofLen form
Lhe basls for acLlons and behavlor LhaL consumers Lake
wlLh Lhe brand
8rand CredlblllLy refers Lo Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe brand
As a whole ls seen as credlble ln Lerms of Lhree
ercelved experLlse compeLenL lnnovaLlve markeL
1rusLworLhlness dependable and keeplng cusLomer
lnLeresLs ln mlnd
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
LlkeablllLy lun lnLeresLlng and worLh spendlng Llme wlLh
8rand ConslderaLlon lL ls more Lhan mere awareness
ConslderaLlon depends on how personally relevanL
cusLomers flnd Lhe brand C8
1he exLenL Lo whlch cusLomers vlew Lhe brand as belng
approprlaLe and meanlngful Lo Lhemselves
CusLomers make an overall appralsal as Lo wheLher Lhey
Pave any personal lnLeresL ln a brand A-u
JheLher Lhey should ever buy a brand
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand superlorlLy relaLes Lo Lhe exLenL Lo whlch
cusLomers vlew Lhe brand as unlque and beLLer Lhan
8rand superlorlLy relaLes Lo Lhe exLenL Lo whlch
cusLomers vlew Lhe brand as unlque and beLLer Lhan
SuperlorlLy ls lnLensely crlLlcal ln Lerms of bulldlng
lnLense and acLlve relaLlonshlps wlLh cusLomers and
depends on
-umber of unlque brand assoclaLlon LhaL make up Lhe
8rand lmage
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand leellng are cusLomers emoLlonal response and
reacLlons wlLh respecL Lo Lhe brand
8rand feellngs also relaLe Lo soclal currency evoked by
Lhe brand
leellngs LhaL can be evoked by Lhe varlous markeLlng
rograms can be JarmLh lun LxclLemenL SecurlLy
Soclal Approval Self 8especL eLc
3 kesponse
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand 8esonance refers Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe relaLlonshlp
and Lhe exLenL Lo whlch cusLomers feel LhaL Lhey are l-
S?-C wlLh Lhe brand
8esonance ls characLerlzed ln Lerms of lnLenslLy or Lhe
depLh of Lhe psychologlcal bond and Lhe level of acLlvlLles
engendered by Lhls loyalLy (repeaL purchases referrals)
8esonance can be broken down lnLo four caLegorles
8ehav|ora| oya|ty Att|tud|na| Attachment
Sense of Commun|ty Act|ve Lngagement
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8ehavloral LoyalLy ls necessary buL noL sufflclenL for
resonance Lo occur
Some cusLomers may buy ouL of necesslLy because Lhe
brand ls Lhe only producL belng sLocked or easlly
avallable or only one LhaL Lhey can afford
1o creaLe resonance Lhere needs Lo be a sLrong personal
aLLachmenL (ALLlLudlnal ALLachmenL)
1he brand may also Lake on broader meanlng Lo Lhe
cusLomers ln Lerms of sense of communlLy
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
ldenLlflcaLlon wlLh a brand communlLy may reflecL an
lmporLanL soclal phenomenon whereby cusLomers feel
a klnshlp or afflllaLlon wlLh oLhers assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
SLrongesL afflrmaLlon of brand loyalLy ls when cusLomers
are wllllng Lo lnvesL Llme energy money or oLher
resources ln brand beyond Lhose spenL durlng purchase
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
1 Ident|ty
2 Mean|ng
3 kesponse
4 ke|at|onsh|ps
Customer 8ased 8rand Lqu|ty yram|d
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
A|| over aga|n
Choos|ng 8rand
L|ements to 8u||d
8rand Lqu|ty
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand LlemenLs are also called brand ldenLlLles
1hese are Lrademarkable devlces LhaL serve Lo ldenLlfy
and dlfferenLlaLe Lhe brands
Maln 8rand elemenLs are
-ames Logos Symbols CharacLers Slogans
!lngles ackages Slgnage Spokespersons
1hese are lndependenL of Lhe declslons made abouL Lhe
producL and how lL ls markeLed
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand LlemenLs are chosen Lo enhance brand
awareness faclllLaLe Lhe formaLlon of sLrong favorable
and unlque brand assoclaLlons C8
LllclL (draw ouL) poslLlve brand [udgmenLs and feellngs
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Cr|ter|a for choos|ng
8rand L|ements
lnLrlnslc naLure of brand elemenLs may make Lhem more
aLLenLlon geLLlng and easy Lo remember
All of Lhese Lo conLrlbuLe Lo brand equlLy
LlemenLs could be chosen whose lnherenL meanlng
enhances Lhe formaLlon of brand assoclaLlons
MemorablllLy Laslly recognlzed Laslly 8ecalled
Meanlngful uescrlpLlve ersuaslve
1here are slx crlLerla ln chooslng brand elemenLs
lmporLanL aspecLs of meanlng of a brand elemenL are
Lhe exLenL Lo whlch lL conveys
Ceneral lnformaLlon abouL Lhe naLure of Lhe producL
SuggesLlng someLhlng abouL producL caLegory
Llkellhood of consumer rlghLly ldenLlfylng Lhe producL
Speclflc lnformaLlon abouL parLlcular aLLrlbuLes and
beneflLs of Lhe brand
roducL lngredlenLs klnd of personallLy who mlghL use
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
1he assoclaLlons suggesLed by a brand elemenL may
noL always relaLed Lo producL
8rand elemenLs can be chosen LhaL are rlch ln vlsual and
verbal lmagery
1hey may lnherenLly denoLe fun and lnLeresL
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
LlkablllLy lun and lnLeresLlng 8lch vlsual and verbal
MemorablllLy Meanlngful and LlkeablllLy Lhe seL offers
advanLages of
8ecognlLlon and Awareness Consumers ofLen do noL
examlne much lnformaLlon ln maklng purchase declslon
8educe Lhe burden on MarkeLlng CommunlcaLlons
usefulness of Lhe brand elemenL for producL caLegory or
llne exLenslon
1he less speclflc Lhe name Lhe more easlly lL can be
Lransferred across caLegorles
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
1ransferablllLy wlLhln and across producL caLegorles
across geographlcal boundarles and culLures
8ellance connoLes a feellng of securlLy and can be
exLended Lo varleLy of producLs relaLed Lo safeLy and
1ransferable across geographlc boundarles
uepends on culLural conLenL and llngulsLlc quallLles of
Lhe brand elemenLs
uslng non meanlngful names whlch do noL have any
lnherenL meanlng can be Lransferred easlly
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
epsl markeLed lLs producLs ln Chlna wlLh Lhe slogan
epsl 8rlngs ?ou 8ack ln Llfe" buL Lhe slogan ln
Chlnese really meanL
epsl 8rlngs ?our AncesLors 8ack from Crave"
A halr producL company lnLroduced Lhe MlsL SLlck a
curllng lron rod ln Cermany
LaLer on Lhe company found ouL LhaL mlsL ls slang used
for Manure ln Cerman
An Amerlcan Company sold 8aby food ln Afrlca Lhe
packaglng had lcLures of 8ables on Lhe pack
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Company falled and found ouL LhaL as Afrlcans could noL
read Afrlcan companles puL plcLures on Lhe label of
whaL ls lnslde Lhe pack
Companles musL revlew all Lhelr brand elemenLs for
culLural meanlng before lnLroduclng Lhe brand lnLo a new
8ecause of Lhe changes ln consumer values and
oplnlons or slmply because of a need Lo remaln
conLemporary brand elemenLs ofLen musL be updaLed
over Lhe Llme
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
AdapLable llexlble and updaLable
Choose brand elemenLs LhaL can be legally proLecLed on
an lnLernaLlonal basls
lormally reglsLer Lhem wlLh Lhe approprlaLe legal bodles
vlgorously defend Lrademarks from unauLhorlzed
compeLlLlve lnfrlngemenL
lL ls lmporLanL Lo reduce Lhe llkellhood LhaL compeLlLors
can lmlLaLe Lhe brand creaLlng a derlvaLlve based on
sallenL preflxes or sufflxes of Lhe name package looks
or oLher acLlons
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
roLecLable Legally and CompeLlLlvely
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
rocedures and Cons|derat|ons for
choos|ng 8rand L|ements
8rand -ame capLures Lhe cenLral Lheme or key
AssoclaLlons of a producL ln a very compacL and
Lconomlc manner
lL Lakes consumers Lo comprehend markeLlng
communlcaLlons and can range from half a mlnuLe Lo a
few hours
8rand names can be noLlced and lLs meanlng reglsLered
or acLlvaLed ln memory wlLhln [usL a few seconds
8rand -ames can be chosen wlLh cerLaln crlLerla ln mlnd
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
uescrlbes funcLlon llLerally generally unreglsLerable
SuggesLlve of beneflL or funcLlon
ComblnaLlon of Lwo or more unexpecLed words
8ased on LaLln Creek or SanskrlL words
Jords wlLh no obvlous Lleln Lo Lhe company
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand awareness ls lmproved
1he exLenL Lo whlch brand names are chosen LhaL are
Slmple and easy Lo pronounce or spell
lamlllar and meanlngful
ulfferenL dlsLlncLlve and unusual
SlmpllclLy reduces consumers' cognlLlve efforL Lo
comprehend and process Lhe brand name
ShorL names ofLen faclllLaLe recall because Lhey are
easy Lo encode and sLore ln Lhe memory
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Longer names can be shorLened Lo ease recallablllLy
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
ronounclaLlon also affecLs Lhe enLry of Lhe brand lnLo
conslderaLlon seLs and Lhe wllllngness of consumers Lo
order or requesL Lhe brand orally
1o lmprove pronounclablllLy and recallablllLy markeLers
may seek a deslrable pleasanL sound ln Lhelr brand
CulLural dlfferences may exlsL ln brand name
memorablllLy and recall
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Chlnese Speakers are more llkely Lo recall names ln
vlsuals raLher Lhan spoken recall
Jhereas Lngllsh speakers are more llkely Lo recall Lhe
names ln spoken recall
8rand names are noL resLrlcLed Lo leLLers only buL can
conLaln Alphanumerlcs
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Nam|ng rocedures
1 ueflnlng Lhe brand ob[ecLlve
also necessary Lo recognlze Lhe role of Lhe brand wlLhln
Lhe corporaLe brandlng hlerarchy and how Lhe brand
should relaLe Lo oLher brands and producLs
2 CeneraLlng as many names and concepLs as posslble
any poLenLlal source of names can be used
Company managemenL and employees exlsLlng and
poLenLlal cusLomers lnLermedlarles Ad agencles
professlonal consulLanLs and so on
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
3 -ames musL be screened based on brandlng ob[ecLlves
and markeLlng conslderaLlons
LllmlnaLlon can be based on
-ames LhaL have unlnLenLlonal double meanlngs
-ames LhaL are paLenLly unpronounceable already ln
use or Loo close an exlsLlng name
-ames LhaL have obvlous legal compllcaLlons
-ames LhaL represenL an obvlous conLradlcLlon of Lhe
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
4 CollecLlng more exLenslve lnformaLlon on each of Lhe
flnal 310 names
8efore spendlng large amounLs of money on consumer
research lL ls advlsable Lo do an exLenslve lnLernaLlonal
legal search
3 Consumer research Lo conflrm managemenL
expecLaLlons as Lo Lhe memorablllLy and meanlngfulness
of Lhe names
6 8ased on all Lhe lnformaLlon managemenL can choose
Lhe name LhaL maxlmlzes Lhe flrm's brandlng and
markeLlng ob[ecLlves and reglsLer
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand ogos can be used as means Lo lndlcaLe orlgln
ownershlp or assoclaLlon
logos may range from corporaLe names and Lrademarks
wrlLLen ln a dlsLlncLlve form Lo
ulsLlncLlve absLracL logos compleLely unrelaLed Lo
corporaLe name or acLlvlLles
Jords 8A1A CCCACCLA kl1kA1
AbsLracL Logos Mercedes 8enz -lke Clymplc
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8ecause of Lhelr vlsual naLure logos and symbols are
ofLen easlly recognlzable
Logos are nonverbal Lhus can be updaLed as needed
over Llme and can be well Lransferred across culLure
1hey can be relevanL and approprlaLe ln a range of
producL caLegorles
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand characters
8epresenL a speclal Lype of brand symbol LhaL Lakes a
human or real llfe characLerlsLlcs
1hese are lnLroduced Lhrough adverLlslng and can play a
cenLral role ln subsequenL campalgns and package deslgn
CharacLers can be anlmaLed of llveacLlon flgures ofLen
colorful or rlch ln lmagery
CharacLers can help Lo break Lhrough Lhe markeLplace
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Pelp ln easlly communlcaLlng key producL beneflLs
1he ablllLy of a consumer Lo have a relaLlonshlp wlLh a
brand can be easler when Lhe brand llLerally has a
humanlsLlc characLer
8rand characLers also do noL have dlrecL producL meanlngs
so Lhey can be Lransferred easlly across producL
CharacLers ofLen musL be updaLed over Llme so LhaL Lhelr
personallLy remalns relevanL Lo Lhe LargeL markeL
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand S|ogans
Slogans are shorL phrases LhaL communlcaLe descrlpLlve
or persuaslve lnformaLlon abouL Lhe brand
!usL do lL
Slogans ofLen become closely Lled Lo adverLlslng
campalgns and can be used as llnes Lo summarlze Lhe
descrlpLlve or persuaslve lnformaLlon conveyed ln ads
ulamonds are forever Lhe Lagllne communlcaLes LhaL
ulamonds brlng eLernal love and never loose value
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Campalgnspeclflc Lag llnes may be used Lo help
relnforce Lhe message of a parLlcular campalgn lnsLead
of Lhe brand slogan for a cerLaln perlod of Llme
8rand I|ng|es
!lngles are muslcal messages wrlLLen around Lhe brand
1hese are Lyplcally composed and sung by professlonal
Can be LhoughL as exLended muslcal slogans
8ecause of Lhelr muslcal naLure [lngles are noL easlly
Lransferrable as oLher brand elemenLs
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
!lngles can communlcaLe brand beneflLs buL ofLen convey
producL meanlng ln a falrly absLracL manner
1he poLenLlal assoclaLlons LhaL mlghL occur for Lhe brand
from [lngles are feellngs personallLy or oLher lnLanglble
8ecause of Lhelr caLchy naLure consumers are llkely Lo
menLally rehearse or repeaL Lhe [lngle even afLer seelng
or hearlng Lhe ads
1hls provldes an addlLlonal encodlng opporLunlLles and
lncreaslng memorablllLy
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
A well known [lngle can serve as a foundaLlon for
adverLlslng for years
8rand ackag|ng
ackaglng lnvolves Lhe acLlvlLles of deslgnlng and
produclng conLalners or wrappers for a producL
ackaglng should achleve cerLaln ob[ecLlves
ldenLlfy Lhe brand
Convey descrlpLlve and persuaslve lnformaLlon
laclllLaLe producL LransporLaLlon and proLecLlon
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
AsslsL aLhome sLorage
Ald producL consumpLlon
1he aesLheLlc and funcLlonal componenLs of packaglng
musL be chosen correcLly
AesLheLlcs relaLe Lo package's slze and shape maLerlal
colour LexL and graphlcs
luncLlonal easy Lo hold easy Lo open resealable
Lamperproof sLorage reusable
Cne of Lhe sLrong assoclaLlons LhaL a consumer has
wlLh Lhe brand ls Lhe look of lLs packaglng
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
-ew packages can also expand a markeL and capLure
new markeL segmenLs
ackage deslgn has also become lmporLanL as
8rand prollferaLlon ls lncreaslng and
AdverLlslng ls becomlng more expenslve
lor many consumers Lhe flrsL encounLer wlLh a new
brand may be on Lhe shelf of a sLore
lew producL dlfferences exlsL ln some caLegorles
packaglng lnnovaLlons can provlde an edge
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
ackaglng also means havlng a sLrong appeal on Lhe
shelf and sLandlng ouL from Lhe cluLLer
ackaglng ls also called as
'LasL flve seconds of markeLlng'
'ermanenL Medla'
'1he lasL salesman'
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
utt|ng |t a|| together
lL ls necessary Lo 'mlx and maLch' dlfferenL brand
elemenLs Lo lncrease brand equlLy
MarkeLers musL choose Lo mlx brand elemenLs Lo achleve
dlfferenL ob[ecLlves
8rand elemenLs musL be chosen Lo relnforce each oLher
by shared meanlng and markeLlng programs
8rand ldenLlLy
W ldenLlLy Pow we see ourselves
Company Lhe way a company alms Lo ldenLlfy or
poslLlon lLself
W lmage Pow oLhers see us
Company Lhe way consumers percelve Lhe producL
or servlces
8rand ldenLlLy ls a unlque seL of brand assoclaLlons
LhaL Lhe a company asplres Lo creaLe and malnLaln
lL provldes dlrecLlon purpose and meanlng for Lhe brand
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand ldenLlLy should help esLabllsh a relaLlonshlp
beLween Lhe brand and consumers by generaLlng
value proposlLlon lnvolvlng
Self expresslve beneflLs
1he concepL of brand ldenLlLy was menLloned flrsL by
Accordlng Lo kapferer brand ldenLlLy could be
deflned by answerlng Lhlngs llke
1 JhaL ls Lhe alm and lndlvldual vlslon of a brand
2 JhaL makes a brand dlsLlngulshed
3 Pow saLlsfacLlon can be achleved
4 JhaL ls brand's equlLy
3 JhaL are brand compeLence valldlLy and
6 JhaL are Lhe feaLures of lLs recognlLlon
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
8rand ldenLlLy represenLs how Lhe brand wanLs
Lo be percelved Lhus lL ls slLuaLed on Lhe
Sender's s|de
8rand percepLlons are how Lhe consumers
ercelve lL Lhus lL ls slLuaLed on Lhe
kece|ver's s|de
lL ls necessary Lo have a clear selflmage ln Lerms
of background prlnclples purpose amblLlon
ConslsLency vlLallLy durablllLy reallsLlc
Strateg|c Issues
8rand Image
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Se|f |mage
8rand Ident|ty r|sm
hyslque an exLerlor Langlble faceL communlcaLlng
hyslcal speclflclLles llke colour form quallLy eLc
lL ls Lhe sLarLlng polnL of brandlng Lhus lL ls a brand's
ersonallLy an lnLernal lnLanglble faceL whlch forms Lhe
CharacLer soul and brand personallLy whlch are relevanL
lor brands
8elaLlonshlp an exLerlor faceL wlLh Langlble and
lnLanglble areas
ueflnes Lhe behavlour LhaL ldenLlfles a brand / connecL
CulLure an lnLernal lnLanglble faceL whlch lnLegraLes Lhe
8rand lnLo Lhe organlzaLlon whlch ls essenLlal ln
dlfferenLlaLlng brands
8eflecLlon an exLernal faceL reflecLlng Lhe cusLomer as
he or she wlshes Lo be seen as a resulL of uslng Lhe
Selflmage exLernal lnLanglble faceL reflecLlng cusLomer
aLLlLude Lowards brand
8rands evolve ln Llme ln a cerLaln dlrecLlon
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
1o manage and balance ldenLlLy changes across Lhe
faceLs organlzaLlons need Lo undersLand Lhe key brand
kapferer has capLured Lhls ln a LhreeLler pyramld
1he pyramld counLs 3 layers of freedom flexlblllLy
8aslc premlse ls LhaL Lhe flexlblllLy and freedom of change
uecreases from Lhe boLLom Lo Lhe Lop
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS
Se|f |mage
8rand Lhemes / acLs / producLs
8rand sLyle
8rand kernel (nucleus / core)
1he pyramld concepL enables dlfferenLlaLed change
processes across ldenLlLy faceLs by grouplng Lhem ln a
yramld layer
ur vlbhuLl 1rlpaLhl SMS

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