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Lolution o Programming

irst Generation Languages ,1GL,
,chine L,ngu,ge
Uses 1's ,nd 0's (bin,ry)
F,st ,nd Efficient
Directly understood by the computer
Cumbersome very difficult to le,rn ,nd use
,chine dependent
$econd Generation Language ,2GL,
Assembly or Symbolic l,ngu,ge
Uses mnemonics or very short comm,nds
Less difficult to le,rn ,nd use (comp,red to 1GL)
F,st ,nd Efficient
Still difficult to le,rn ,nd use
Needs to be ,ssembled into m,chine l,ngu,ge
,chine dependent (non-port,ble)
%ird Generation Languages ,3GL,
igh Level L,ngu,ge
E,sier for progr,mmers to le,rn ,nd use
Supports d,t, structures, control structures ,nd
structured decomposition
,chine-independent (port,ble)
Needs to be compiled to produce object code
Progr,m size becomes l,rger due to overhe,d code
ourt Generation Languages ,4GL,
Decl,r,tive L,ngu,ge
English-like ,nd non-procedur,l
E,sier to le,rn ,nd use (comp,red to 3GL)
F,ster to progr,m due to less coding required
,chine-independent (port,ble)
Not suit,ble/effective for ,ll progr,mming
neleg,nt code ,nd difficult to m,int,in
Programming Paradigms
A model or w,y of thinking ,bout computing
A fund,ment,l style of progr,mming
reg,rding how solutions to problems ,re
formul,ted in , progr,mming l,ngu,ge
Provides ,nd determines the view th,t the
progr,mmer h,s of the execution of the
mperatie Programming
Also c,lled procedur,l progr,mming
Oldest ,nd most tr,dition,l
Decl,r,tive description of the problem ,s ,
set of rules is provided
"ow to do
Like , recipe
Ex,mples: FORTRAN, Algol, COBOL,
P,sc,l, C
unctional Programming
An expression-oriented p,r,digm th,t is close
to m,them,tic,l specific,tion
Emph,sis on ev,lu,tion of expressions
Used in ,c,demi, r,ther th,n in commerci,l
softw,re development
Ex,mples: Lisp (John cC,rthy), ,skell
(Simon Peyton-Jones),
Logic Programming
B,sed on logic,l deduction
Decl,r,tive description of the problem ,s ,
set of rules provided, from which the
solutions ,re then inferred
Ex,mple: Prolog (Al,in Colmer,uer)
-ect-riented Programming ,P,
Uses objects ,nd their inter,ctions to design
,pplic,tions ,nd computer progr,ms
Strongly emph,sizes modul,rity
Cl,ss defines the ,bstr,ct ch,r,cteristics of ,
thing (object)
Object ,n inst,nce in , cl,ss
ethod ,bility of ,n object
Ex,mple: J,v, (Sun icrosystems), C++
(Bjourne Stroustroup), Visu,l B,sic

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