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Mission - To advance fundamental knowledge in the field of molecular cell biology, and to apply such knowledge to the understanding, prevention and treatment of human diseases

Eijkman Institute

Re-opened in 1992 with Decree of Minister for Research Technology (SK Menristek/Ketua BPPT No. 475/M/Kp/VII/1992) As response to urgent need of Indonesia for a biomedical research institute capable of tapping the substantial growth of knowledge and technical development in molecular cell biology At the same time, continuing the proud tradition of the Eijkman Institute which was initially founded in 1888 with Christiaan Eijkman, a Nobel Laureate, as the foundation Director Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology started its operation in April 1993, formally inaugurated by the Indonesian President Soeharto on 19 September 1995

Christiaan Eijkman 1858-1930

Specific Objectives
To encourage and carry out fundamental research, focusing on the application of molecular biology in medicine. To establish a national source-laboratory of stateof-the-art technologies and expertise in molecular biology. To apply the above technologies to the advancement of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the tropics. To produce by biomolecular engineering, novel reagents for diagnosis and therapy. To provide post-graduate training facilities in molecular biology and biomolecular engineering of an international standard. To accelerate the development of medical biotechnology competence in Indonesia, by functioning as the focal-point in the national collaborative network. To promote international scientific exchanges by formal links with overseas research institutions and by attracting international visiting scholars. To attract research funds from both national and international sources by establishing an international recognition of the Institutes research excellence.

Eijkman Institute - 2007

Laboratories and infra-structures 5,830 sq. m. of the historical building restored All laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for molecular cell biology research (gap between 2000-2005) Manpower development Close to 100 scientists (space for 200)
At least one third are postgraduates mostly from overseas
Eijkman Institute

Postgraduate training Ph.D. with Monash University, UI, Utrecht University M.Sc. with UI Postgrad Diploma (Mol Biol) University of Queensland M.Biomed.Sc. (Mol Med) Monash University Undergraduate final research projects

Science at the Eijkman Institute

Strategic Investment in Fundamental Research Molecular Medicine

Energy Transduction, Disease and Ageing. Defective

energy transduction is the cause of many diseases, including various neurological abnormalities, blindness, deafness and diabetes mellitus; it plays an important role in the ageing process and as contributor to polygenic degenerative diseases.

Red Blood Cell Genetic Disorders. The definition of

mutations underlying diseases such as the thalassemias in the ethnically diverse Indonesian populations, the biochemical and clinical manifestations of such mutations, and knowledge applications in prenatal diagnosis are important for the management of these most common genetic disorders.

Human Genome Diversity. Taking advantage of the huge

human genetic resource of Indonesia, as reflected by its many ethnic populations, this fundamental research activity is strategic as the basis for disease genes discovery, with their medical and biotechnological applications.

Agenda in Life Science and Biomedical Research

West to east 4,500 km; North to South 2,000 km Dry land 1.8 million (Borneo 0.7, Sumatra 0.4, Java 0.1) PRIORITIES ARE DRIVEN BY HUMAN GENETIC DIVERSITY OF THE More than 17,000 islands 3,000 inhabited ARCHIPELAGO Population 210,000,000 - 350-500 ethnic groups

Features of the Southeast Asian Archipelago Population structure -

Human Genome Diversity and Disease

Eijkman Institute

MtDNA SNPs clustering of populations: western islands, Wallacea

region, Papuan speaking region

Autosomal SNPs (50K Affymatrix DNA Chip) confirm clustering,

strong basis for disease gene hunting

Single gene disorders

Mutations underlying the thalassemias indicate relevance of
population structure, basis for clinical management and diagnosis Cyp2c19 alleles consistent with ancient migration origins shows characteristics different from east Asia, pharmacogenetics is important for drug safety and development.

Complex (polygenic) disorders diabetes mellitus, obesity, preeclampsia etc.

Indonesian Network for the Study of Human Genetics

Yogyakarta, Makassar, Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Palembang, Denpasar

Science at the Eijkman Institute

Strategic Investment in Fundamental Research Infectious Disease

Host Resistance to Malaria. The molecular mechanisms by

which polymorphic variants of the red blood cells confer resistance towards malaria is not only of interest for its medical application but also of a fundamental biological importance.

The Molecular Basis of Malaria Infection. Includes

studies on the molecular basis of resistance to antimalaria drugs and of cerebral malaria, and the development of new diagnostic methods and vaccines.

Hepatitis Viruses and their Genetic Diversity. The

molecular characterization of hepatitis viruses and their variation, in particular of Hepatitis B and C, and the understanding of their pathogenic mechanism, is of strategic importance for diagnostic, vaccination and treatment strategies.

Eijkman Institute and Infectious Disease

Eijkman Institute

Current research units: malaria, hepatitis and (tuberculosis) Urged to participate more in infectious disease research activities BSL-3 facility completed January 2007 and certified by DNV grant from the Norwegian government to further develop SOP and other biorisk management features of facility Strategic partnership with Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases and Hasanuddin University Novartis-Eijkman-Hasanuddin Clinical Research Unit (NEHCRI) focus on Tuberculosis and Dengue Entering strategic partnership with Oxford University Centre for Tropical Medicine Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit (EOCRU) agrement to be signed in July 2007 Strategic partnership with RS Kepolisian Pusat Raden Said Sukanto 21 August 2007 Developing strategic partnership with Sulianti Suroso Infectious Disease Hospital

Science at the Eijkman Institute

Bridging Basic Research and Industry The R&D unit of the Institute has a special task to develop research discoveries for their release to the industry, currently focusing on diagnostics and collaborating in vaccine development. The DNA Identification Unit offers clinical forensic and paternity tests GenNeka Genetic Clinic offers services in laboratory diagnosis, genetic counseling, and premarital and prenatal diagnosis

Major Development 2006-2007

Eijkman Institute

DNA Identification Unit dedicated facility to support the Indonesian National Police, part of the National DVI team Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) facility in support of research into Emerging Infectious Diseases in particular Avian Influenza Inauguration of NEHCRI Novartis-Eijkman-Hasanuddin Clinical Research Unit Participation in SEA Influenza Clinical Research Network Postgraduate teaching program with Monash University Master of Biomedical Science (Molecular Medicine) Bioinformatic Short Course at the Eijkman Institute with Mahidol University Eijkman Oxford Clinical Research Unit (EOCRU)


Pemberantasan terorisme dan segala bentuk kejahatan lain merupakan bagian penting dari Agenda Utama pemerintah dalam menegakkan Indonesia yang lebih aman dan damai Keberhasilan Lembaga Eijkman membantu Kepolisian RI - Bukti keberhasilan aplikasi kemampuan teknologi biologi molekul yang lahir dari penelitian fundamental Tanggal 2 Maret 2005, Lembaga Eijkman dan PUSDOKKESPOLRI mengukuhkan Perjanjian Kerjasama dalam Penelitian, Pengembangan IPTEK dan Pelayanan di bidang DNA Forensik Sarana laboratorium DNA forensik khusus, terpisah dari sarana penelitian, perlu untuk memenuhi persyaratan good laboratory practice (GLP) guna akreditasi laboratorium pelayanan forensik DNA internasional selesai dibangun, beroperasi penuh, dalam proses sertifikasi DNA Identification Unit Lembaga Eijkman membantu POLRI dalam identifikasi berbagai pelaku bom bunuh diri dan proses tindak lanjutnya, berbagai kasus kriminalitas dan bencana masal.


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