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The circumference and Area of a circle

What is the formula relating the circumferene to the diameter?

centre Diameter

People knew that the circumference is about 3 times the diameter but they wanted to find out exactly.


The mystery ratio

What value did you find for the ratio? 3.1-3.2 is pretty good

3.14 is very good and close to the true value

For most circumstances we say
Circumference 3.14 x diameter

What is the true value of this mystery ratio?????

Early Attempts
Egyptian Scribe Ahmes. in 1650 B.C. said C3.16049 x d

Archimedes, said C 3.1419 x d

Fibonacci. In 1220 A.D. said C3.1418xd
What is the value of the number that multiplies the diameter to give the circumference????

The exact true value is


An approximation to
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884 19716939937510582097494459230781640628 62089986280348253421170679821480865132 82306647093844609550582231725359408128 48111745028410270193852110555964462294 89549303819644288109756659334461284756 48233786783165271201909145648566923460 34861045432664821339360726024914127372 45870066063155881748815209209628292540 91715364367892590360011330530548820466 521384146951941511609................forever.

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What about the AREA of a circle?


First consider a square

r 2r

The area of this square

in terms of r is

A= 2r x2r = 4r2

What about the AREA of a circle?

Now consider a circle inside the square The area of the circle must be less than the area of the square r 2r

< 4r2


= ? xr2

Finding a formulae for the area of a circle

C= d or C=2r


Area of Rectangle= Base x Height

Area = r x r Area =r2

The Area and Perimeter of a Circle

A circle is defined by its diameter or radius
The perimeter or circumference of a circle is the distance around the outside The area of a circle is the space inside it

The ratio of

circumference diameter


= 3.14159265358979....

is an irrational number whose value to 15 decimal places is

We usually say 3.14

The circumference is found using the formula

C= d or C= 2r (since d=2r)

The area is found using the formula


The Area and Perimeter of a Circle

A circle is defined by its diameter or radius
The perimeter or circumference of a circle is the distance around the outside The area of a circle is the space inside it

The ratio of

circumference diameter


= 3.14159265358979....

is an irrational number whose value to 15 decimal places is

We usually say 3.14

The circumference is found using the formula

C= d or C= 2r (since d=2r)

The area is found using the formula


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