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Simple Present

O presente simples pode ser usado para expressar: 1- uma ao habitual, ou seja, aquilo que costumamos fazer sempre: I always leave home at 7:00. (Eu sempre saio de casa s 7h). They generally have lunch at the shopping mall. (Eles geralmente almoam no shopping). I never work on Sundays. (Eu nunca trabalho aos domingos).

2- uma verdade universal: Babies cry. (Bebs choram). Dogs bark. (Cachorros latem). Birds sing. (Pssaros cantam).

presente simples, e eles sempre devem ser usados em frases negativas e interrogativas, conforme a tabela abaixo: Negativas Interrogativas I do not / I dont Do I ? You do not / you dont Do you ? He does not / he doesnt Does he.? She does not / she doesnt Does she? It does not / it doesnt Does it? We do not / we dont Do we? You do not/ you dont Do you

Ex.: I dont have to work today. (Eu no tenho que trabalhar hoje). She doesnt have to wash the dishes. (Ela no tem que lavar a loua). They dont go to school on the weekends. (Eles no vo escola nos finais de semana). Do you generally wake up at seven? (Voc geralmente acorda s 7h?). Does the dog bark a lot during the night? (O co late muito durante a noite?). Does he work as a waiter at that new restaurant? (Ele trabalha como garom naquele novo restaurante?).

No necessrio o uso dos auxiliares do e does nas frases afirmativas, no entanto, os verbos sofrem algumas alteraes nas terceiras pessoas do singular (he, she, it). Como regra geral, deve-se acrescentar um s no verbo para essas pessoas. Ex.: Mary lives downtown. (A Mary mora no centro da cidade). Bob loves chocolate. (Bob ama chocolate). Susans dog sleeps a lot during the day. (O cachorro da Susan dorme muito durante o dia).

No entanto, existem algumas excees que se referem s terceiras pessoas do singular (he, she, it). So elas: 1- Quando o verbo terminar em y precedido de consoante, tira-se o y e acrescenta-se ies. Carol studies at a good college. (A Carol estuda numa boa universidade). Mom fries eggs in a pan. (Mame frita ovos numa panela).

2- Quando os verbos terminarem em ss, sh, ch, x e o, acrescenta-se es. Bob fixes everything at his house. (Bob conserta tudo na casa dele). Daniel watches cartoon every morning. (Daniel assiste desenho todas as manhs). Every day after the meals, my mom washes the dishes. (Todo dia aps as refeies, minha me lava a loua). Jack does his homework at night. (Jack faz seu dever de casa noite). Cindy kisses her parents every day. (Cindy beija seus pais todos os dias).


TO THINK I think You He thinks. She It We think. You They

TO MAKE I make You He makes. She It We make. You They

TO LOVE I love You He loves. She It We love. You They

Casos especiais * O 1 caso especial o verbo TO BE (ser, estar) Ele j tem a 3 pessoa especificado. * O 2 caso especial o verbo TO HAVE (ter) Na 3 pessoa ele perde as duas ltimas letras e acrescenta-se S. TO BE TO HAVE I am. I have. You are. You He is. He has. She She It It We are. We have. You You They They

O 3 caso especial so os verbos terminados em o, ss, ch, sh, x, em que se acrescenta ES: O SS CH SH X go (ir) kiss (beijar) teach (ensinar) wash (lavar) fix (consertar) he/she/it goes he/she/it kisses he/she/it teaches he/she/it washes he/she/it fixes

O 4 caso especial so os verbos terminados em Y, eles tm 2 possibilidades:

Y precedido de VOGAL acrescenta-se S Pay (pagar), buy He/she/it pays, (comprar) buys

Y precedido de CONSOANTE acrescenta-se IES Cry (chorar), try He/she/it cries, (tentar) tries

AFIRMATIVO I work You work He works She works It works We work You work INTERROGATI VO I dont work Do I work ...? You dont work Do you work ...? He doesnt work Does he work ...? She doesnt Does she work work ...? It doesnt work Does it work ...? We dont work Do we work...? You dontwork Do you work ...? NEGATIVO

Affirmative form

Negative form

Answers To answer we say : 1/ Yes, I am / You are / He is /She is / It is / We are / They are. 2/ No, I am not /You are not/ He is not /She is not / It is not /We are not / They are not.

It's your turn!Conjugate the verbe: BE + ING 1. I (play) base-ball. 2. She (look) for her book. 3. You (go) to the station. 4. They (speak) with the policeman. 5. He (say) he doesn't need a coach. 6. I (think) about her. 7. They (look) at the clown. 8. I (watch) TV. 9. You (play) with your computer. 10. We (try) to stop this.

2. She is looking (look) for her book. 3. You are going (go) to the station. 4. They are speaking (speak) with the policeman. 5. He is saying (say) he doesn't need a coach. 6. I am thinking (think) about her. 7. They are looking (look) at the clown. 8. I am watching (watch) TV. 9. You are playing (play) with your computer. 10. We are trying (try) to stop this.

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