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Mother & Child

Both need the right nutrients

Sources : Adapt par ACC/SCN News 1994.

The nutritionist aims to ...

Cut child deaths & protect children from illnesses Ensure physical growth & mental development Foster a child's ability to learn

Ensure they can play their full part in adult society

The nutritionist targets women from 15 to 49 years of age & children aged less than two years.

The Circle of Life

Sources : Adapt par ACC/SCN News 1994.

The Circle of Life ...

A MOTHER's own BIRTH WEIGHT & NUTRITIONAL STATE are key to her BABY's survival, well-being & GROWTH. Proper GROWTH is key to a future mother's ABILITY TO ABSORB NUTRIENTS during ADOLESCENCE.

Why is this important?


... influence a mother's health WHEN she becomes pregnant help keep the mother strong DURING & BETWEEN pregnancies ... influence the development of the foetus

influence the (YOUR?) baby's BIRTH WEIGHT

Nutrients BEFORE & DURING pregnancy

... influence a mother's influence own chances of survival her ability to regain strength

... to care for her child & resume work

to cope with future pregnancies

Breaking the Vicious Circle

Stop STUNTING among girls during first two years of life Ensure proper nutrition DURING ADOLESCENCE Maintain mother's level of nutrition BEFORE & DURING pregnancy Maintain mother's level of nutrition while she breast-feeds ...

From first hour of life
Exclusive for first six months No water, tea or other food or drink!


Breast milk
- Best source of energy & nutrition for infants - Cuts death from diarrhoea & acute respiratory infection - Always clean & ready to eat


Children 05 months exclusively breastfed (20002007)

50 % or more 20-49% <20% Overview of breastfeeding patterns Data not available

Breast-feeding & mortality among children aged less than 6 months

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Death per 1000 yrs

Relative risk of mortality among partially BF: 1.74 Relative risk of mortality among non-BF: 8.37

Exclusively + predominantly breastfed

Partially breastfed


Bahl R et al, Bull WHO, 2005

Complementary feeding


24 months

With breast milk ...

Sufficient quantities Rich in vitamins & minerals Soft food for children without teeth Associated with primary health care

Sick & malnourished children

High risk of complications, death or disability

Up to 6 months

Offer the breast more often

Six months & over

Appropriate food more often

- Why is a mother's OWN birthrate important ?
- When do mothers particularly need proper nutrients ? - At what age should you start complementary feeding ? - Is it important to give a breastfed baby water ? Why ?

Thank You

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