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S2 SDMK Prodi IKM FK UGM 2012

Tahapan pengembangan proposal

Mengumpulkan ide penelitian dikumpulkan ke

sekretariat sebelum hari Jumat, 11 Mei 2012 Pra proposal Jumat 11 Mei 2012 (mahasiswa pesentasi ide proposalnya) Diskusi topik Sabtu 12 Mei 2012 Pengembangan proposal terbimbing 14-18 Mei 2012 Penentuan pembimbing akhir Mei Pengembangan proposal Juni - Juli Seminar proposal Agustus

Tips mengembangkan ide penelitian

Pencarian dan identifikasi masalah Lakukan studi awal (sederhana):
Wawancara Studi dokumen

Studi literatur

Perumusan masalah

Batang tubuh Thesis: Introduction

Five stages of the introduction: 1) General statement(s) about the field of research to provide the reader with a setting for the problem to be reported 2) More specific statements about the aspects of the problem already studied by other researchers 3) Statement(s) that indicate the need for more investigation 4) Very specific statement(s) giving the purpose/objectives of the writers study 5) Optional statement(s) that give a value or justification for carrying out the study

Batang tubuh Thesis: Introduction

The Setting:
Begin with accepted statements of fact related to your

general area (Your universe) Within the general area, identify one subarea (your galaxy which includes your topic) Indicate your topic (your star)

Batang tubuh Thesis: Tinjauan Pustaka

The literature review is used to demonstrate a number of things. It can: Demonstrate your knowledge of the writing and research in your chosen field Put your research into context; it can show how your project will contribute (even if only to a small degree) to the available knowledge in the field Help you understand what other researchers have done Alert you to particular methodological problems Give you a greater understanding of the research process

Proposal: Batang tubuh/Outline

Bab I : Pendahuluan/Introduction:

belakang masalah/Background Permasalahan/problem statement Tujuan penelitian/research objectives Manfaat penelitian/research benefits Keaslian penelitian/originality


Proposal: Batang tubuh/Outline

Bab II: Tinjauan Pustaka/Literature Review:

pustaka/Literature review Landasan teori/Theoretical background Kerangka konsep/Concept framework Hipotesis/pertanyaan penelitian

hypotheses/research questions


Proposal: Batang tubuh/Outline

Bab III: Metode Penelitian/Research Method

Jenis dan rancangan penelitian/Research design and type of


Lokasi, populasi dan sampel (subjek penelitian)/location,

population and sample/research subject Instrumen (alat penelitian)/research instrument Cara pengumpulan data/data collection method Variable penelitian/Thema penelitian-research variable/research themes Definisi operasional operational definition Prosedur penelitian research procedure Analisis data data analysis Jadwal penelitian research schedule


Presentasi pra proposal

Tema utama Permasalahan yang melingkupi tema utama Tujuan Keaslian penelitian Outline tinjauan pustaka Metode penelitian (dasar)

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