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Michael Royce Albion Associates, LLC.

Collegiate Roadshow Team Organization

Leaders & Leadership Types of Team Organization Tasks define the Organization Organization Recruiting & Retention Royce Rules

Leaders & Leadership

The team
New team or well established? Multi-year?

Leaders & Leadership

Leadership is the team leader AND the leadership core or group How is/was this leadership selected? Leadership style What leadership positions are there?

Types of Organizations

Star Organization

Team Leader

Team Leader

Pyramid or Stacked Organization


Typical CDS Team Org Chart

Team Leader

Systems = Tasks
The systems tend to define the tasks and hence the positions on the team Chassis & Suspension Powertrain Electrical

CDS Team Org Chart

T e a m L e a d e r/M a n a g e r C h a s s i s & S u s p e n s iP n w e r t r a i n oo E le c tr ic a l

Systems have Sub-Systems

Chassis & Suspension
Frame Suspension Brakes Wheels & Tires

Engine Engine Calibration Intake System Exhaust System Cooling System Other Driveline

Electronics Wiring Instruments

CDS Team Org Chart 2

Team Leader/Manager Chassis & Suspension Frame Suspension Brakes Wheels & Tires Powertrain Engine Engine Calibr Intake System Exhaust System Cooling System Other Driveline

Electrical Electronics Wiring Instruments

Missing Components
Controls (throttle, brake pedals, clutch, gearshift) Body Wings/aero


Missing Components - 2
Controls (throttle, brake pedals, clutch, gearshift) Body Wings/aero Data Acquisition Driver safety equipment (seat belts, head restraint, etc)


Missing Components - 3
Controls (throttle, brake pedals, clutch, gearshift) Body Wings/aero Data Acquisition Driver safety equipment (seat belts, head restraint, etc) Packaging Ergonomics

CDS Team Org Chart 3

T e a m L e a d e r/M a n a g e r C h a s s is & S u s p e n s io n P o w e rtra in F ra m e S u s p e n s io n B ra k e s W h e e ls & T ire s E n g in e E n g in e C a lib r In ta k e S y s te m V e h ic le In te g ra tio n P a c k a g in g E rg o n o m ic s C o n tro ls E le c tric a l E le c tro n ic s W irin g In s tru m e n ts

E x h a u s t S y s te m D riv e r's S a fe ty E q u ipD a ta A c q u is itio n C o o lin g S y s te m O th e r D riv e lin e



Who Will be Responsible for?

Keeping the Timing Chart Tracking Program Timing The Parts List Vehicle Weight Communications
Keeping meeting notes Sending out meeting notes & other communications

Logistics Fund Raising & Sponsorship Money/finances/cheque book Purchasing parts Cost Report Presentation Event Design Event Material (story boards, etc.)

CDS Team Org Chart 4

T e a m L e a d e r/M a n a g e r C o m m u n ic a tio n s & L o g is tic s C h a s s is & S u s p e n s io n F ra m e S u s p e n s io n B ra k e s W h e e ls & T ire s P o w e r tr a in E n g in e E n g in e C a lib r In ta k e S y s te m E x h a u s t S y s te m C o o lin g S y s te m O th e r D riv e lin e

F in a n c e E le c tr ic a l E le c tr o n ic s W ir in g In s tr u m e n ts D a ta A c q u is itio n

V e h ic le In te g ra tio n P a c k a g in g E r g o n o m ic s C o n tr o ls D riv e r 's S a fe ty E q u ip Body

Team Organization - Summary

Get organized early Leadership has to be earned Military style wont cut it Leadership by example works Set the tone early Cohesiveness Discussion but no divisiveness Written org charts Written job descriptions


Recruiting & Retention

Will loose 50% of first recruits Retention is the key How do the newer members of the team fit in? Newer members need to realize their limitations But must be treated with respect by the senior members


Recruiting & Retention - contd

Key to retention is: Involvement without being in over-their-head Giving the newbies interesting and worthwhile tasks Possible solutions Apprenticeships Machining simple parts Simple fabrication Making detail drawings from layouts or for more complex assemblies Making assembly drawings from details Updating/fixing last years car as a training vehicle

Royce Rules
Teamwork Organization Written Org Charts & Job Descriptions Written meeting notes (decisions) Written goals Written plans Best for people to set their own goals Timely decisions Consensus Dont fall behind! Keep to the dates

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