Horror Fiction Audiobooks

Get a spine-chilling earful of fantastically scary thrillers and horror fiction audiobooks. Some of us love a ghost-filled haunted house, eerie dark forests, and pulse-racing scenes that keep us on edge. Scrib’s selection of the best horror audiobooks is packed with heart-racing narratives and spine-tingling murderers you’ll love.

Get a spine-chilling earful of fantastically scary thrillers and horror fiction audiobooks. Some of us love a ghost-filled haunted house, eerie dark forests, and pulse-racing scenes that keep us on edge. Scrib’s selection of the best horror audiobooks is packed with heart-racing narratives and spine-tingling murderers you’ll love.


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The Paleontologist: A Novel
The Paleontologist: A Novel
The Paleontologist: A Novel
The Paleontologist: A Novel

The Paleontologist: A Novel

byLuke Dumas

USA TODAY BESTSELLER A haunted paleontologist returns to the museum where his sister was abducted years earlier and is faced with a terrifying and murderous spirit in this chilling novel. Curator of paleontology Dr. Simon Nealy never expected to return to his Pennsylvania hometown, let alone the Hawthorne Museum of Natural History. He was just a boy when his six-year-old sister, Morgan, was abducted from the museum under his watch, and the guilt has haunted Simon ever since. After a recent breakup and the death of the aunt who raised him, Simon feels drawn back to the place where Morgan vanished, in search of the bones they never found. But from the moment he arrives, things aren’t what he expected. The Hawthorne is a crumbling ruin, still closed amid the ongoing pandemic, and plummeting toward financial catastrophe. Worse, Simon begins seeing and hearing things he can’t explain. Strange animal sounds. Bloody footprints that no living creature could have left. A prehistoric killer looming in the shadows of the museum. Terrified he’s losing his grasp on reality, Simon turns to the handwritten research diaries of his predecessor and uncovers a blood-soaked mystery 150 million years in the making that could be the answer to everything.

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About Horror Fiction

If you’re looking for audiobooks that give you chills, thrills, and make you want to leave the lights on, look no further than the horror fiction audiobook category for your frightening fix. Whether you love a classic tale of paranoia or a modern pandemic-set story, you’ll find some of the best horror audiobooks to add to your must-listen list. Our collective fascination with all things macabre is a powerful and popular drive. It all started with the award-winning Goosebump series from American writer R.L. Stine, which introduced us to the concept of horror fiction when we were just kids. It was ‘love at first fright.’ When it comes to the best horror, it's not about the obvious scares but rather the subtle details that make us take notice and start to shiver. Audiobooks do an amazing job of drawing us into the suspense and overall spine-chilling atmosphere with moody narration, suspenseful pacing, and feeding us every detail. They give us just enough information to make us nervous but also leave enough gaps to let our imaginations run wild. We’re left feeling haunted and compelled to listen as we’re drawn further in. It’s every horror fan’s dream come true. Some of Everand’s bestselling horror fiction audiobooks include The Exorcist, Bird Box, and Sole Survivor. You may want to listen with the lights on!

If you’re looking for audiobooks that give you chills, thrills, and make you want to leave the lights on, look no further than the horror fiction audiobook category for your frightening fix. Whether you love a classic tale of paranoia or a modern pandemic-set story, you’ll find some of the best horror audiobooks to add to your must-listen list. Our collective fascination with all things macabre is a powerful and popular drive. It all started with the award-winning Goosebump series from American writer R.L. Stine, which introduced us to the concept of horror fiction when we were just kids. It was ‘love at first fright.’ When it comes to the best horror, it's not about the obvious scares but rather the subtle details that make us take notice and start to shiver. Audiobooks do an amazing job of drawing us into the suspense and overall spine-chilling atmosphere with moody narration, suspenseful pacing, and feeding us every detail. They give us just enough information to make us nervous but also leave enough gaps to let our imaginations run wild. We’re left feeling haunted and compelled to listen as we’re drawn further in. It’s every horror fan’s dream come true. Some of Everand’s bestselling horror fiction audiobooks include The Exorcist, Bird Box, and Sole Survivor. You may want to listen with the lights on!