Biography & Memoir Ebooks

Grow your digital library with some of the best biographies and memoir ebooks here on Everand. With fresh and layered memories and language, biographies & memoirs open our eyes to astonishing and inspiring lives, experiences, and places. These intimate and honest non-fiction accounts make us close confidants as the authors reveal personal and poignant stories that shape our heroes and ourselves. Start exploring our highly rated biographies and memoir ebooks today.

Grow your digital library with some of the best biographies and memoir ebooks here on Everand. With fresh and layered memories and language, biographies & memoirs open our eyes to astonishing and inspiring lives, experiences, and places. These intimate and honest non-fiction accounts make us close confidants as the authors reveal personal and poignant stories that shape our heroes and ourselves. Start exploring our highly rated biographies and memoir ebooks today.


We're shining a light on the hottest new releases and binge-worthy ebooks you don't want to miss.
The Eighth Moon: A Memoir of Belonging and Rebellion
The Eighth Moon: A Memoir of Belonging and Rebellion
The Eighth Moon: A Memoir of Belonging and Rebellion
The Eighth Moon: A Memoir of Belonging and Rebellion

The Eighth Moon: A Memoir of Belonging and Rebellion

byJennifer Kabat

“Beautifully written, The Eighth Moon uses a very light touch to probe the most essential, unresolvable questions of belief, kinship, fidelity, history, and identity.”—Chris Kraus A rebellion, guns, and murder. When Jennifer Kabat moves to the Catskills, she has no idea it was the site of the Anti-Rent War, an early episode of American rural populism.  As she forges friendships with her new neighbors and explores the countryside on logging roads and rutted lanes—finding meadows dotted with milkweed in bloom, saffron salamanders, a blood moon rising over Munsee, Oneida, and Mohawk land—she slowly learns of the 1840s uprising, when poor tenant farmers fought to redistribute their landlords’ vast estates. In the farmers’ socialist dreams, she discovers connections to her parents’ collectivist values, as well as to our current moment. Threaded with historical documents, the natural world, and the work of writers like Adrienne Rich and Elizabeth Hardwick, Kabat weaves a capacious memoir, where the past comes alive in the present.  Rich with unexpected correspondences and discoveries, this visionary and deeply compassionate debut gives us a new way of seeing and being in place—one in which everything is intertwined and all at once. 

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About Biography & Memoir

Biographies and memoirs are non-fiction narratives that satisfy a few intense human desires: to be known and understood, and to know and understand another person. You can delve into the lifespans and reflections of some of the world’s most fascinating and influential icons with our archive of bestselling biography and memoir ebooks. Biographies and memoirs are non-fiction narratives that satisfy a few intense human desires: to be known and understood and to know and understand another person. You can delve into the lifespans and reflections of some of the world’s most fascinating and influential icons with our archive of bestselling biography and memoir ebooks. These books explore the private and profound memories of our beloved heroes, powerful leaders, and world-changing social activists. That said, some of the best memoirs are written about everyday people who do extraordinary things. Wild, illuminating, and full of heart, some top memoir and biography titles include Kindness & Wonder, Why Mister Rogers Matters Now More than Ever, Just Kids, and The Year of Magical Thinking. Whether historical or contemporary, ebook memoirs and biographies give us an intimate look at the inner lives of inspiring people, including poet and feminist Maya Angelou, award-winning artist Joan Didion, and athlete & activist Muhammad Ali. Raw and unflinching or thoughtful and humane, these are books that ask big questions and let us find answers through someone else’s eyes. At their best, these narratives are entertaining and honest chronicles of how some of us prosper, fail, dream, and survive.

Biographies and memoirs are non-fiction narratives that satisfy a few intense human desires: to be known and understood, and to know and understand another person. You can delve into the lifespans and reflections of some of the world’s most fascinating and influential icons with our archive of bestselling biography and memoir ebooks. Biographies and memoirs are non-fiction narratives that satisfy a few intense human desires: to be known and understood and to know and understand another person. You can delve into the lifespans and reflections of some of the world’s most fascinating and influential icons with our archive of bestselling biography and memoir ebooks. These books explore the private and profound memories of our beloved heroes, powerful leaders, and world-changing social activists. That said, some of the best memoirs are written about everyday people who do extraordinary things. Wild, illuminating, and full of heart, some top memoir and biography titles include Kindness & Wonder, Why Mister Rogers Matters Now More than Ever, Just Kids, and The Year of Magical Thinking. Whether historical or contemporary, ebook memoirs and biographies give us an intimate look at the inner lives of inspiring people, including poet and feminist Maya Angelou, award-winning artist Joan Didion, and athlete & activist Muhammad Ali. Raw and unflinching or thoughtful and humane, these are books that ask big questions and let us find answers through someone else’s eyes. At their best, these narratives are entertaining and honest chronicles of how some of us prosper, fail, dream, and survive.