History Ebooks

Learn from the past with these diverse perspectives on History. These books strive to tell the true accounts of historical events, places, and people that have influenced our world, from ancient times to the 20th century. Popular authors include David Halberstam, Rob Chernow, Ibram X. Kendi and Doris Kearns Goodwin.

Learn from the past with these diverse perspectives on History. These books strive to tell the true accounts of historical events, places, and people that have influenced our world, from ancient times to the 20th century. Popular authors include David Halberstam, Rob Chernow, Ibram X. Kendi and Doris Kearns Goodwin.


We're shining a light on the hottest new releases and binge-worthy ebooks you don't want to miss.
Flight of the WASP: The Rise, Fall, and Future of America’s Original Ruling Class
Flight of the WASP: The Rise, Fall, and Future of America’s Original Ruling Class
Flight of the WASP: The Rise, Fall, and Future of America’s Original Ruling Class
Flight of the WASP: The Rise, Fall, and Future of America’s Original Ruling Class

Flight of the WASP: The Rise, Fall, and Future of America’s Original Ruling Class

byMichael Gross

Fifteen families.Four hundred years. The complex saga of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant elite in America’s history. For decades, writers from Cleveland Amory to Joseph Alsop to the editors of Politico have proclaimed the diminishment of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, who for generations were the dominant socio-cultural-political force in America. While the WASP elite has, in the last half century, indeed drifted from American centrality to the periphery, its relevance and impact remain, as Michael Gross reveals in his compelling chronicle. From Colonial America’s founding settlements through the Gilded Age to the present day, Gross traces the complex legacy of American WASPs—their profound accomplishments and egregious failures—through the lives of fifteen influential individuals and their very privileged, sometimes intermarried families. As the Bradford, Randolph, Morris, Biddle, Sanford, Peabody and Whitney clans progress, prosper and periodically stumble, defining aspects in the four-century sweep of American history emerge: our wide, oft-contentious religious diversity; the deep scars of slavery, genocide, and intolerance; the creation and sometime mis-use of astonishing economic and political power; an enduring belief in the future; an instinct to offset inequity with philanthropy; an equal capacity for irresponsible, sometimes wanton, behavior. “American society was supposed to be different,” writes Gross, “but for most of our history we have had a patriciate, an aristocracy, a hereditary oligarchic upper class, who initiated the American national experiment.” In previous acclaimed books such as 740 Park and Rogues’ Gallery, Gross has explored elite culture in microcosm; expanding the canvas, Flight of the WASP chronicles it across four centuries and fifteen generations in an ambitious and consequential contribution to American history.

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About History

With plentiful award-winning ebooks on history, it’s now easier than ever to lose yourself in the politics, realities, and intricacies of our collective past. If you’re looking for enthralling diversions from your 21st-century reality, there are incredible history ebooks to sweep us up into old worlds ranging from England’s Henry VII to America’s Civil War. The best reads are ones that manage to strike a balance between accurate information and captivating narrative. In other words, both educational and entertaining. We’ve wrangled together here for you that blend those beautifully and both hold your attention and boost your knowledge. The best history books teach us about the people, events and artifacts of the past and bridge the gap between the present and the past. They encourage you to imagine yourself as someone living in the past, during war, strife, riches, starvation, victories, and tragedies. They ask us to reflect on what those things might mean for the rest of us in our modern world. Written by history scholars, professors, journalists, and other gifted writers, the best history ebooks help modern readers better comprehend the dynamics of history and the issues faced by people in the past.

With plentiful award-winning ebooks on history, it’s now easier than ever to lose yourself in the politics, realities, and intricacies of our collective past. If you’re looking for enthralling diversions from your 21st-century reality, there are incredible history ebooks to sweep us up into old worlds ranging from England’s Henry VII to America’s Civil War. The best reads are ones that manage to strike a balance between accurate information and captivating narrative. In other words, both educational and entertaining. We’ve wrangled together here for you that blend those beautifully and both hold your attention and boost your knowledge. The best history books teach us about the people, events and artifacts of the past and bridge the gap between the present and the past. They encourage you to imagine yourself as someone living in the past, during war, strife, riches, starvation, victories, and tragedies. They ask us to reflect on what those things might mean for the rest of us in our modern world. Written by history scholars, professors, journalists, and other gifted writers, the best history ebooks help modern readers better comprehend the dynamics of history and the issues faced by people in the past.